WTR (rent) garage

Preferably local to rotterdam, but nothings out of the question except jays old garage on the border of mass :lol

Access to it 24/7 with a key if possible. Also electric outlets or w.e would be nice but not needed. looking to work on the 240, so a 1 bay is all i need altho if its a 1.5bay that’ll be sweet :slight_smile:

Try the place on Crane Street behind the flea market.

whats back there? i thought it was a garage… like a place like inline/petes muff etc. Not a storage unit/garage.

Im looking for 2 months maybe 3. btw

You can rent a garage and do whatever you want there.
One of my friends rented one and worked on his car there.
Theres a bunch of garages. A few have businesses in them but not all of them. No clue if any are for rent right now though.

hey jeff get ahold of me there was a 2 car garage i was looking to rent out right off eastern parkway off union st… itd be 75 each if you wanna split it

for what its worth where my car is nick the guy wants 500 month to rent it and its huge all elec outlets cement floor and so on i know myself and my friend wanna do it get like 2 more guys and the rent would be nuttin

rankin PM me details plz

how much room is there? where is it located?

werd PMing right now

down the rd from the shop , it can easily fit 5 cars in it with room to work

word when can i check it out with ya ?

later today we can ill call ya later

sounds good broski

Renting vlads out :slight_smile: