WTS-WTT 04 636

dude get a fuckin life…

id like to see it… let me know

87 will not destroy a bike or any fuel injected motor. ever hear of a knock sensor or know what it does?

Might have long term effects granted ,but the short term effects are non existent.


most bikes require 90 octane in the manual and dealers enthusiasts say to use 1+ recommended octane.


out of curiosity, how much did it go for?


Thank god :crap:

Since the bike is sold…

LOL at ineedacar thinking his POS car has a k20 swap and it being a stock motor.


lmao yea… tyty

newman… shoulda streetfightered this out

i was wondering why he wasnt brutalized for that…

i wonder if he thinks he invented the question mark…

or if he acuses chestnuts of being lazy…

:lolsign: LMFAO

shit i wanted this