*Ok So I guess, nobody is looking to trade systems, I’m now trying to sell this headunit as I’m going for a simpler look and might be getting rid of my ride soon. I haven’t really watched DVDs on it much, but it operates perfectly, and I haven’t had the need for a navigation system at all. Included in this package; Headunit and all necessary wiring. Unfortunately I don’t have the remote, lost it on a trip. This unit has only been used for about 4 months I’m asking $650 OR BEST OFFER. Willing to trade for MP3 Decks with Ipod Capabilities plus cash.
As the title states I am looking to trade my single din flip out Alpine IVA-D105 for something Double din, preferably an Alpine IVA-W205. Only about a week old, received as a gift but don’t like the flip out screen would prefer to have something sit flush with my dash. Would even consider a trade for any other double dins with similar features. If anybody has anything to offer let me know. Thanks
i would say just sell it on kijiji or something and use the money and put it towards new deck. I wouldnt go for the alpine IVA-205 though…that is if you want it flused cause that will stick out A LOT!
if you dont need navi, get the pioneer AVH-P4000 or JVCs new one…forget the model number…
you have altima right? I had the avic-d3, sits real nice and flushed. The only thing with the D3 is that it uses navi disks which means everytime you want to use the GPS, u have to take out your MP3 cd or whatever and pop in the navi disk.
if you are willing to spend more money, take a look at the kenwood dnx5120. im thinking about picking that up on friday. ill post pics when im done.
Thats a wicked set up you got there Ricerz. I’m looking for something similar, so if anybody reading this has any offers let me know. I don’t really like this fold out screen. I’d prefer to have it in my dash. And besides i have that same background on my Alpine but Can’t even see half of it because of the interface, it takes up like half of the screen…ahh well, such is life. Thanks
hey i have a JVC car deck that has Ipod Capabilities,blue tooth, the face play is removable…its got alot of think i got last april i’ll send you some pics and information as soon i get the chance…:R .
plus i’ll give you 2 10" subs in a box, and a 650w amp plus $100 let me know what you think i add you to msn using the email you gave me here’s my email address atabieh@hotmail.com feel free to add me to msn:R we’ll work out a deal