X-box live gamertag thread**edited with list**

im down if people wanna play

Scott and I are down

im goin on now…

not gonna be on super late. Im sick as fuck, so i wanna try and get some rest

I will grace you all with my presence at 11pm.

R6 FTAddictedmultiplayer

Yo MSG Koop526 and i will send you an invite to play

:tup: hoppin on now


anybody home/ not working and down to play some r6?

i haven’t gone to work in 2 days… i need to be entertained :slight_smile:

i can play tonight

did you reset your router? better not be lame still when we try to connect.

i should be on later if i dont end up goin snowmobiling which is looking iffy at this point.

ill play later, shoot me a message


on now

count me out doods, snowmobiling > killing skunk while he shoots at the wall and complains he thinks he pinched his mangina :slight_smile:


hmmmm, debating

Im stuck here at the hospital… damn why do i have to save lives … lol like i even do anything… obviously have time to post here LOL

here ill post in the correct thread for ya :stuck_out_tongue:

i may be down after the hockey game

damn thread nazi



Add me.

tag: z3chs
name: adam
games: r6



im out tonight. having some friends come from orlando, so probably going out tonight