X-box live gamertag thread**edited with list**

just got an xbox360. I have to wait until Monday to have the school setup network stuff. As soon as I have a tag ill post up. I’m getting good at GOW…



i only have:
r6 atm

hmm everyone getting sick of r6?

lets get a game going tonight

ok i just added everyone on this list, so lots pending :slight_smile:

I just signed up and added myself to the first post.

added you Rubicant. Still a couple pending.

Add me to the first post?

nope, mike and i have been playing, nobody else comes on thoguh :frowning:


bump… people get on here

awww snap i am firing up a game and weve got about 7 so far !

7 more like 12! :stuck_out_tongue:



Walmart Pizza

spawn camping is :gay:

kill house is the worst for that, that level needs to be bigger.

good times though :tup:

Team NYSpeed won its first offical match tonight :smiley:

streets > *


well he did damnit. ugh… those tards were pissing me off

HAHAHAHAHAHAHa… what an idiot

I just realized that I have played today since the time I woke up :uhh:

I didnt see day light today :uhh:


ur such a damn nerd