X-box live gamertag thread**edited with list**

oh and a little tip for those of you behind a router on xbox live. Go into your router’s webpage and proceed to port forwarding.

Open up ports 88 and 3074 on both UDP and TCP. Make sure the ip you put it for is the IP to your xbox. This will allow you to hear everyone within the server. Sometimes live has an issue where you can’t hear everyone! IM me for help if you need it

I’ve been playing Test Drive a lot recently. My tag is ‘IndemiK’.

I kept getting set up on the opposition.

But it was fun killing skunk.:stuck_out_tongue:

yeah it sucks we actually had so many nyspeeders playing tonight we couldnt fit all of us on one team :smiley:

But yes, killing skunk is rather enjoyable, especailly once you get in a fire fight with him and he gets flustered and starts to shoot at the wall :tup:

And thanks Rubicant for making this a sticky. <3 Me love you long time.

Now get your ass on live, pussy.


love it!

yea it was fun! so… when’s the next time we playin? :smiley:

im going to jump back on now to play some campaign… if anyone wants to play send me in invite

i played single player for three minutes before hopping onto live :smiley:

its all about the competition, not the story

i should take a break :\

The single player game is really good though.
I am almost finished with it.

so it anybody still playing?


i know there is some people on… im playing for about 45 min

lol i think i played about 8-9 hours total today :uhh:

Damn, you played til 3:30?? I had to bail at 2…

It’s kinda fun playing online.

hahah, its waaaaaaaay too addicting. the one night mike and i ended up playing til 5.

hahahah you guys are HUGEEEE nerds.

so whos down to play tongiht? :stuck_out_tongue:

ill play tonight, been a while.

you missed some good times kevin, we had like 10 nyspeed guys playing yesterday :gay2:

It’s funny, I was looking at everyone’s reputation on my “buddy list” and Kevin has the most with 3990. That just shows his err, dedication to Xbox Live… :rofl:

wow thats very nice, hopefully tonight we will have the same.

ive been playing burnout revenge, so addicting that i loose track of everything when playing :slight_smile: