what time aaron, since u get home from work usually at 1pm
what time aaron, since u get home from work usually at 1pm
yea what time, i’m bored here and ready for some hot r6 action
I had the same issue its cause it was a ranked game and not a player game perhapps? Anyway they didnt know who you were and you were standing still and not communicating. They didn’t boot you though. They were pretty good players and helped me out a little.
BTW i have noticed that there are a bunch of nice people that play this game, i was expecting non stop assholeishness.
Im out at 5 today will be on, shoot me an invite if you guys see me.
Do either of you happen to be behind a router? If you’re behind a router and keep getting dropped, its because you have not opened your forwarding ports on your router…open them up and it’ll stop doing it!
I recall you explaining this before. I am hooked up through a wireless router, but I am hard wired into it. That hard line goes to a switch that has my PS3 and Xbox360 on it.
my issue was strictly because i was going to ranked games, once those ended i would go back to the xbox live screen. BuickGN pointed out that if you go to player games it would fix it and sure as hell it did. I don’t have any actual connection issues with my router.
word. let’s get busy
sry bout earlier i had some dude from one of our subsidiary companies on the phone motherfucking me up and down over some bullshit >:
jim… get back here
send tha invite
i wont go away again
gonna play some r6 for a bit before i sleep…
sorry about earlier, was playing godfather trying to finish the damn thing…lol
So i ended up playing that guy from Utah last night. Koop and his buddy left me so it was me vs. 4 or 5 people. I won by 2. I damn near shit myself.
LOL skunk!