Buttsecks? errr phone buttsecks
yes… the buttsecks
and adam… dont have MSN… only aim
edit: so go on aim
You were playing a ranked game, ranked games only are 1 game at a time, player games are the ones that rotate maps and such.
haha noob!!
I think I might be on tonight. Its fun being killed over and over again.
i’ll prob. be on after work for a bit.
need to get mor exp. point so i can also become super UBER nerd!@#%#$
i’ll be on… in their base…killi…
so ive been waiting for the dunkirk wallmart to get in R6 vegas. I gave up and ordered it today. I should be playing with you guys this weekend.
so is R6 a lot like CS, or is it more run around shooting at anything that moves (IE halo)?
it’s like neither…
it’s run on the unreal engine, but it’s nothing like UT or halo.
also its not as “free” as CS, where you could jump and do weird shit
its slower… more deliberate… like metal gear solidish
R6 is in ways more realistic than other games because of the need for cover. Or at least I think so.
BTW you joined a terrorist hunt i was in last night and no one could hear you. Then you died.
Yeah I was on the phone with my dad so I didn’t have my headset on. I was trying to figure out why everyone was surrounding me.
And then I died which was ghey. I was frazzled by the hazing in the beginning of the match.
It was kinda funny. They were gonna boot you and i told them i knew you. We were trying to get your attention. Guess it worked.
Why boot me? Because I wasn’t talking?
I didn’t expect to jump into a game as quickly as I did. After I died my xbox booted me off of Live. It happens all the time with R6. I don’t know why.
Okay, so is there going to be some playing action this weekend? >: