Are yuou coming on to Starboy!??!


the :yum: was for the new kid thats going to thrown on a platter with an apple in his mouth.

and the other comment meant just what it said.

Dinner huh?

So I should get you a spoon so you can eat my ass?

lol! j/k. Couldn’t resist.

…In for LAuraWS6 nudes!!!..

quit talkin about quiks girl!

lol wow you fit in already…now all you gotta do is lose the “j/k” and your a true pittspeeder! lol

that was a good one…but sorry to say I will not be there to eat your ass, as im sure it is a nice one.

I will be eating steak and drinking wine with my boss on his tab.


lol. Everyone makes mistakes. Even you to ‘trying’ to play goal against me…

lol, Ill never understand how you can miss 7 feet of retard skating around the backdoor.

I figured I’d fire a warning shot before I went to being the typical me. Looks like that’s the usual around here. You never know when you’re going to stumble into the midst of PC tree hugging emo douche bags… you know, those people that get butt hurt by the ‘internets’.

Guess we’re all clear. Safety off.

Good deal! I like you already!

Well just so we can get to know each other a lil more…

I do believe I have been voted #2 AW somehow. But second best always seems to be as good as I can get. lol

Im not far from you, so if you ever get bored, gimme a ring…and NO that was not an offer for anything…

other than that it about sums up my pittspeed life.

So you would rather take the TINY untunable 1g in place of your 4 door Evo… Ok.

I’ll drive

you sit in the back,
your g/f sits upfront with me,
and after eating a buffet we can take a nice long ride home on blown out agx’s

Unless you meant I’m driving the Evo… then you can forget the blown suspension, but the rest of the rules still apply

I don’t care if we go in a heated shopping cart with a moped engine. I just don’t feel like being the drun… I mean designated driver. lol!

To the rest, nigga please…

You gets no Evo. Designated or not.
And I’m not 1-800 Rent A Bitch either.
Get your own.

wow this got off-topic

I vote for keeping posts #1, #… I guess that’s it… :smiley:

well clean it up!:mrT:

:rofl: at deleted posts.

we have a shopping cart on bags at the house…if you can fit guy girl guy in it…I bet it would be the best ride of your life! lol

Sorry, its not heated though.

nice… i remember the last ordeal was going to be non alcoholic, so I stayed home… guess ill be there this year!

Name tags? Haha. I know a few members, but I recognize cars before faces.