xbox 360 cover (mine)


I have 2. The one I got off you stays unmolested at Kamies apartment. The one I got for 40 bux off ebay is at my house awaiting the hard drive I ordered so I can play regular xbox games.

Technically I have 3 but one has other problems I can’t fix, there’s something wrong wiht the video connection with it as it has 4 red lights

i need one :x:

Damn, makes me want to go play Gears of War. Nice job.

Coming along…

Really like the frosted plexi. Are those white LED / Cathodes behind it, or camera flash? I think you should’ve used filler along the seam of the plexi before you painted it so it appeared smooth, unless it’s just the picture.

I did use filler, I was unaware of how contoured the front of the 360 is, it was impossible to get straight and the filler just couldnt’ really do much for it without using more than I wanted to.

What you see behind it are the holes in the 360 case.


Looks really good bud!

do my face plate i would like to think of something differnet the the skull tho.

how much just for a face plate?

:edit: actually maybe i would liek the skull, i dunno … pm me!

I’m going to sell this one if you want it.

I’ve gone a slightly different direction with this thing, pics come later after my goodies arrive and get painted.

I’m still playin aroudn with this thing.