OT: 360 Red Ring of Death sucks

So I got the red ring last night on my 360… JLee and Lucidsnow happened to be there.

Is this too much of a coincidence?

Go buy one from Walmart, pay cash. Swap consoles.

Go return.

Have fun.

Would this be a better alternative to sending it back to MS? I made a call last night and they’re sending me a self-addressed box, so I just have to send it to them to fix it then they’ll send it back.

Hmm, I guess you could do that. I guess you still have warranty on it?

i think the red ring of death is covered for 3 years.

I’ve had to friends send theirs back and got new ones. One guy accidentally got 2 360s sent back to him…lol

yeah they extended the warranty on them in Canada and they dont even ask for any receipt… just give them the serial number and a ups box will come to your door so you can slap it in there and send it in… i also know someone who got two of them back by mistake… he just had to get the cables, hdd and faceplate

Thanks for the feedback.

Moral of the story: don’t let 2 chinese guys near your 360 if they don’t know what they’re doing. J/K dudes! :slight_smile:

haha ok sam now that i’m at home and not at your place i’ll tell you the truth… when you were upstairs i rubbed my nut sac all over the xbox and that’s when it started flashing red and shit… my bad man.


I hope warranty covers decontamination too then.


Lol, 360’s are just ghetto. I’m on my 8th one, and my current one is on its way. Just call microsoft and complain, they send you a box, you put yours in the box send it back , and in a week you’ll have a new one. Or just do what Mark said… lol

My Bad… Deffinetly just saw that everyones covered what i said :stuck_out_tongue: lol

anyone heard of the same thing happening on the elite versions? i got one and so far its been perfect.

I’m a PS3 guy. I knew the thing was sketch cause at the 360 launch in '05 it locked up on PGR. Is this ever going to be fixed? We were just talking about this at work today. One guy has had 4 replacements and the other 3 after less than 6 months…seriously.

Yeah man, mine went out like a mounth ago… It took them less then five bussiness to send me a new one after I got the box.

my friend luis240sx just got the red ring of death as well…lol
sell it and get a ps3.

i got rrod … but i just did the x-clamp fix.

My buddy bought 25 units and 8 of them right out of the box were red light. He exchanged them at the “store” or where ever he got them, tested them out and they were fine. They sat in boxes and a few weeks later 3/8 that he exchanged showed red lights and one kept freezing a few seconds after playing the game.

Not to mention numerous people who bought off him got the red light and complained. He refunded most of them…luckily one guy that he did refund was a cop because that guy said when he came to return it “Im glad your trustworthy and refunded me because im a cop”

I love xbox only because of the controllers. I cant stand using the analog controls on PS3, my thumbs cant reach comfortably while firmly grasping the controller.

I like xbox , because of xbox live. I got xbox a month after it first came out, and it got red lights in 3 weeks.

buy ps3 i never have any problems. its 10X the tech compared to the 360.
oh and sony online gaming is free.
and GT5 soon need i say more…

you guys still play video games…