So i believe my system is almost dead, screen turns green and reddish tint, then goes back to normal. Does this “extended warranty” cover such problems ? I have no idea about these things if someone can point me in the right direction. Google is clustered with threads but are quite outdated and different answers everywhere.
its a problem with the gpu. i just got mine fixed for 30 bucks.
you want the guys contact info? or just kijiji people who mod/repair xbox. its an easy fix.
well i dont want to go thru fixing it over and over, are these xbox guys reliable and back up the work ?, was hoping microsoft would fix it for free
you can call Microsoft at i think 1-800-4MY-XBOX maybe 1-888 and sit on hold for a serious amount of time, then wait a week for the stupid box to get shipped to you. then probably 2 weeks to get it fixed.
or you can go pay 30 bucks for someone to fix it.
wow never heard of that happening. my xbox just got red rings for the 6th time. i would try to call microsoft first and see what they can do, bc if those guys open the system up when its still under warenty its gets voided.
That won’t be covered under the ms 3 yr warranty. Only the 3 red rings and e92 failures are covered for 3 years. Everything else is covered for one year.
You may be having an issue with your cables though. I suggest trying another set from a friend.
Buy a PS3…
well ive read on forums it might lead to that, or send in the xbox and tell them it has 3 lights, i doubt they check each one for that
Gaming PC…done deal, most computers now already are more powerful than any xbox360 or PS3 and equivalent games the graphics rock on PC.
BUT…since you wanna get the 360 fixed, I’d go with Chris Budgell’s recommendation.
360’s are a real hit and miss when it comes to the fixing of them, I have one that I play (I fixed it from RROD), and probably 5 in my closet for parts. the ONLY reason that I even have an xbox is because I got it for free…and ir cost me 5$ in bolts and washers to fix it.
well the verdict is im gonna send it to microsoft, talked to them on the phone, told them it had 3 red lights but it really doesnt right now. I just need to buy or get a box and send it away pre paid thru ups, not bad for those who have rrod can send it away
Yes, be be prepared to wait young grasshopper lol. They arn’t exactly quick from what Ive heard :s
they actually are prety quick, last time i sent mine in it took longer to get the shipping box then to send me a new one, and my buddy sent his in a few weeks ago and within a week he got it back. just depends on if under warente or not. if it is they dont fix it, they just give you a new one, and if not the wait may be a little longer.
meh its ok, i dont play like a nerd so i can wait. I was wondering about that to^ wonder if they will fix it or just give another one