Xbox 360 RPG

Anyone know of a good RPG for the xbox 360? Looking for something fun to play over the winter as I finally finish up the del sol(dont ask, long story)


Mass Effect

umm there was another I heard was good…

Lost Odyssey

too human is coming out tomorrow.

^Can’t download it yet though, which is a crock of shit.

says who

Not seeing it on newsgroups :stuck_out_tongue:

not loooking at the correct one :slight_smile:

u think i gave u all my secrets…sorry


:confused: I think you are pulling my leg, but I dont know. Rob is gonna kill someone if he can’t play this soon!

check live, and see what i put in the drive :slight_smile:

Alright, waiting for you to log in :frowning:

Don’t make rob and I cry!


fable 2 is supposed to be out in the next month or two.

Mass Effect FTW.

This is the only game I ever played again immediatly after beating it. So many ways to play.

why adam is going to get it soon enough :slight_smile:

Kevin you are like Roy and Rob is the bengal tiger… it’s going to get dangerous if you keep teasing him

adam loves me you dont you fucking cock tease

too human got a 5.5 on gamespot…

couple RPGs coming out in the fall, Infinite Undiscovery, Fall Out 3(action/tactical/rpg), Fable II, The Last Remnant

for stuff thats already out, get Mass Effect and Lost Odyssey

the demo was real fun. this is shitty news

I heart Too Human demo soooo much

I have it reserved and will be picking it up after work today

I saw the bad reviews, and basically their biggest qualm was that it wasn’t what they were expecting.