xbox 360 video cable or HDMI cable

Looking for an Xbox 360 HD Component video cable or an HDMI cable

Not spending 40 bucks for a 6 ft HDMI cable from best buy

I bought an xbox tonight and was told the cd drive was bad… weather or not that is the case right now im throwing a Error 74 code and 1 red light which ive been told is due to the video cable being bad. If i keep it unplugged now red light etc…

I thought this was an odler 360 but its got an HDMI output so im guessing its the newer one…

Anyways If anyones got one let me know please!

They have a video cable at RadioShack that can work for 360, PS3, and Wii, I think it was $15

AHhh NVM its not my video cable, borrowed a friends

Regardless I picked up this Xbox 360 for 40 bucks

Its a newer 360, with an HDMI, No HD but im picking one up… Microsoft is fixing it as the E74 code falls under that 3 year bullshit same as teh RRoD

For 40 bucks and getting back a fixed and hopfully wont have anymroe issues with it… Lookign forward to it.

I know you said its not the video cable, but Ebay’s daily deal today is a 6ft HDMI cable for $5 with free shipping.

good deal for ebay and good deal on the xbox my xbox is mad old and doesnt have the hdmi and has the 10 gig hard drive

fuck ebay go to newegg. wicked cheap hdmi cables. and you can deal with a good company, not sketchy ass ebay and paypal

lol thanks for the heads up, i just bought one of those haha

For HDMI/Audio Cables I go to a couple smaller online places…

Newegg is still pretty exspensive when it comes to HDMI compared to a few others…

I was just looking for something local so I dident have to wait a few days…

Doesnt matter now anyways

I pay $6.70 for a 12ft HDMI at work… hahahaha

DVI and HDMI cables I go to Newegg,

When I was having issues with my Xbox with the red ring of death they were going to send me that cable for free.

Come to find out I had the 3 red rings and sent it out to be fixed free of charge. They say 2-3 weeks of a wait. I sent mine out last week, they’ve already received it, repaired it and have sent it out to be shipped back to me. I should be receiving the Xbox mid week hopefully.

See thats what I was confused about at first…

They say if your warrentys expired that the 3 RRoD is still covered etcc free of charge…

Well aparently the E74 Video chip error is covered free of charge as well because even when the newer xboxes came out I guess people were calling the E74 the “new RRoD” because while the chipset wouldent overheat anymore peoples video chipsets were dieing… SO I asked them and they said its covered etc… Sending it in today

Anyways 40 bucks for an Xbox 360 with HDMI, a controller and a couple other things… it was deff worth it

oh hell yeah, definitely worth it. I got the E74 error on my last 360, it was a newer one.

Yea I don’t know anything about the codes or red lights or anything like that. I just saw the red rings come up on my Xbox, so I posted on here and called Microsoft.