Looking for an Xbox 360 HD Component video cable or an HDMI cable
Not spending 40 bucks for a 6 ft HDMI cable from best buy
I bought an xbox tonight and was told the cd drive was bad… weather or not that is the case right now im throwing a Error 74 code and 1 red light which ive been told is due to the video cable being bad. If i keep it unplugged now red light etc…
I thought this was an odler 360 but its got an HDMI output so im guessing its the newer one…
When I was having issues with my Xbox with the red ring of death they were going to send me that cable for free.
Come to find out I had the 3 red rings and sent it out to be fixed free of charge. They say 2-3 weeks of a wait. I sent mine out last week, they’ve already received it, repaired it and have sent it out to be shipped back to me. I should be receiving the Xbox mid week hopefully.
They say if your warrentys expired that the 3 RRoD is still covered etcc free of charge…
Well aparently the E74 Video chip error is covered free of charge as well because even when the newer xboxes came out I guess people were calling the E74 the “new RRoD” because while the chipset wouldent overheat anymore peoples video chipsets were dieing… SO I asked them and they said its covered etc… Sending it in today
Anyways 40 bucks for an Xbox 360 with HDMI, a controller and a couple other things… it was deff worth it
Yea I don’t know anything about the codes or red lights or anything like that. I just saw the red rings come up on my Xbox, so I posted on here and called Microsoft.