I have a xbox 360 like new, just about 3 months old, played occassionally.
It comes with 2 wireless controllers, 1 wired one. a 50-75 ft ethernet cable. Halo 1-3, some south part episodes are downloaded to the hd, along with some olds school arcade games. Also include 20gb hd, Fight night round 3, Gears of War. Need for speed most wanted, a head set original box and papers…
Looking for something close to 400, obo…
Let me know if you have any offers, may trade just let me know what you have. Will be putting on ebay soon as well. So first come first serve.
400 is steep considering at bestbuy for 349.99 you get a console,a headset. 2 games, a wireless controller, and 20gig hd . For 449.99 you get the xbox 360 elite with 120gig hd, wireless black controller, black headset, and 2 games. All brand new.
Plus there is the Arcade edition for $280. It just doesn’t have the hard drive. It uses a large memory card instead and comes with a handful of arcade games.
u guys also have to remember that its xmas. so finding these things might not be as easy as it was earlier in the year. cant blame the guy for trying to make a couple bucks. look at all the asshats on ebay that are selling them for 700-800 bucks and people are buying them. granted there elites but still.
Im looking more into what i put into. $400 brand new pro system. $60 halo 3
New wireless controller is about 40-60$, Fight Night 3 60$ wired controller was like 20$ and then the other 2 halos plus gears of war and nfs most wanted. And it has a season or more of south park… that at best buy is alone 40 -60$ Thats over $600 put into it. Id like to get a lil bit of cash back.