Xbox live contacts

anyjaun juant to play tonight?

i’ll be online w/ cory getting pwned by 12 year olds. most likely 7-8ish 'til ?

the norm has been team snipers and then rumble training if that gets old… and it frequently does…

feel free to hit me up… plz don’t suck too bad… we’ve got the suck department covered. :wink: :lol:

not tonight for me…

xmas party playing casino games competing for an all expenses paid trip to the bahamas…

ill be on tomorrow night… i played last ngiht for an hour… its been like 6 months since i played last.


just got live all set up and shit, so someone add me :slight_smile:


just got live too. :slight_smile:

^^ sent out some friend req/clan invites (halo 2) to you both.

yeah i got it, not too sure what to do with it tho…lol

i gotta get halo 2 i guess, legit copy

lol yeah do that. :tup:

madden on 360 looks fucking real

i still refuse to go to 360 until halo 3 comes out…

Edit for the name

Darth Suun

There is no underscore between the words.

sweet just got my 360 and live

username -----> PRO AM
Lets play some PDZ !!!ill send out some friend requests if you guys want

hmm dont have that game, prolly gunna get it soon tho if its any good, we should try to get COD2 game up and running also