halo 2

anyone want to play halo 2 on xbox live tonight? here is one problem i need to get internet. if yea and u don’t mind another person then it would cool!

I love halo 2.

Im usually on at night. My gamertag is boxxakid

i heart halo 2 on live. i usually play at night too.

gamertag= xcky89x

littleboo3853 is my gamertag

i gotta get the new maps still


dont play much lately? lol

im pretty sure they’re all free now

Shibby if they are free!!! I gotta download them tonight.

Lately I have been playing Forza 2 online. Got out of halo for a while after the beta expired.

forza 2 = siqqqq

i’ll find out when the rest of my 360 gets to my house. lol

i might have the net tomarrow so i will be one

U guys play with a 360 or regular xbox? I was told that there are 2 versions of x-box live, one for the 360 and one for the regular. I got the 360 if you see me on there my tag is mechanicalymad

Im a 360 person.

360 here too

anyone going on tonight and wanna get a party together? maybe around 10ish?

Would join ya bro but H1 and H2 are on my regular Xbox at my inlaws. I only have San andreas and GOW on 360. GOw is loaned out at the moment though.

Ahhh xbox locked my account and had to downgrade me since they were charging a card I didnt have anymore. After talking to support i got it unlocked but its only a silver account.

I gotta find a pay code since I dont want to add another credit card. Prolly will be back online this weekend.

Anyone up for some H2 tonight. Decided to finally buy a copy so that I can play on my 360.

Slight Edit. My gamertag xbox live name thingy is mechaniclymad