Xbox One

Yeah, DRM is ridiculous. They will never win that war. Ever. Someone, eventually, will hack this console too.

C4EVA, the guy who hacked the 360, was offered a job from MS to change sides. That’s how good he was. They couldn’t beat him. Some kid, some day will take his place when he’s too old for hacking. In fact, I’ve been running the same firmware on both my OG 360 and my Slim for months. Microsoft has put out Live updates a couple times already and hasn’t even bothered disabling the hacks like they used to. 1) Because they are gearing up for the One and 2) because on the 360 in particular, it’s pointless. C4EVA will just defeat them again.

I’m with JWilliams though…I only buy 2-3 games a year (the ones that are worth it to me - like Assassins Creed) and my connection is always on. However, I have been screwed on games in the past where it wasn’t good and I had to sell it back to GameStop. Until I hear the 100% confirmed information on how much that’ll cost me with the One, I will hold off and stick to the 360.

Just finished watching the PS4 presser. SONY gets my cash. Next gen is over for Xbox before it even begins.



i don’t get how anyone could want an xbox one, yea i want my console to track me even when its off, oh wait americans no longer care about privacy.

[ame=“”]Official PlayStation Used Game Instructional Video - YouTube[/ame]


Final score:
Xbox: 1
PlayStation: 4

Sony didn’t just capitalize on Microsoft’s mistakes over the past few weeks. They picked up the ball Microsoft dropped, tossed it in the air, then smacked it out of the park. Then they turned and laughed in their faces…

Look at it this way, this is a good thing if anyone still had their sight on a Xbox One. Either MS will now have to drop the price on the machine and/or backpedal on some if not all of their anti-consumer DRM/used game policy or both, or they will have to sell it with some free stuff to make it appealing.

I seriously thought about moving to an XBOX from Sony because everyone I know has the XBOX and I wanted to be able to play online with them.

But I will 100% be sticking with Sony esp since half my friends are switching now haha

sony 100% i gave xbox a shot and hate the controller and not into it at all… it just sits under my tv

I’m still on the fence. Evidently, you can share a library between 10 family members. This means me and my brother can split the cost of games since we play many of the same games anyway. You just need to designate a person as a family member in settings or what not.

They each have their pros and cons. I prefer the Xbox and believe their services for the same price (Sony does charge) are much better on the Xbox side then PlayStation. You dont agree? Go buy a PS4 and enjoy it, because I know I dont care, and you shouldnt either.

And ill just leave this here…

Cliff Notes… The PS4 is 95% the same as the Xbox One with used games, companies can choose to enforce DRM…

I can see how this is confusing but nope, and by the way Polygon is funded by Microsoft.

Xbox One’s DRM is at platform level, that Microsoft choose to build into their system to facilitate DRM for ALL games. PS4, just like what we have now with Xbox360 & PS3, is at publisher level; the ONLY one that have the capability to enable it (if they choose to) is by the publisher such as EA’s online pass.; and SONY already confirmed outright that all 1st party stuff will have no DRM.

Not trying to sound like a fanboy, but that is what separate these two platforms at this point (disregarding the obvious price difference). Ultimately it is your money, and I would never fault anyone for buying hardware for exclusives especially the only reason I have a Xbox is because Steel Battalion (yeah, Dat Game)…:rofl

^ No worries, I only had Xbox for the Mech Assualt games :lol

I would get a Ps4 if it comes bundled with GT6, otherwise I have no reason to move from the Ps3/PC

nah man, GT6 for PS3 only. The good thing is when PS4 is out I can still rent PS3 games…:rofl

Perfect, so I dont have to buy either :rofl

The fact is all the shitstrom with Microsoft and Xbox One and all these talk about how supposedly PS4 won the next gen already is tragic to begin with. If SONY did won, then they’ve won it by essentially doing absolutely nothing.

At the presser the audience are literally in tears and giving standing obviation for the simple fact that SONY changes nothing in terms of game ownership. That would be like giving your server at Danny’s a standing obviation when he/she brings out your food you ordered. :rofl

If only Microsoft didn’t set us up the bomb and force the kinect up people’s asses, but instead just do a Xbox 720 so they can match PS4’s pricing, then they will probably win next gen or a tie. Instead they now have a mainstream box target for mainstream people but selling it at hardcore gamer prices with all the restrictions & features that no hardcore gamers want.

Just pre ordered the PS4… tried to get my hands on an Xbone a well but they were sold out! there go’s my plan to flip both on ebay for cash :frowning:

I have 3 Xbox 360s in my house. Me, my son, and my daughter have our own boxes and gamertags. So if all of us want to play a game I have to buy 3 copies instead of the 1 copy inwould have to usually buy? That sucks…

Just got back from gamestop for my pre-order.

I don’t think so. With Xbox One you can definitely share games among family members, personally I didn’t spend time reading through their “What you can do with the the game you just bought” policy, but feel free.

Here is the link: How Games Licensing Works on Xbox One - Xbox Wire