XTS 2010

For those of you who like going to car shows, here is your chance to enter your own car!


I am extremely pleased to announce XTS 2010, five years in the making!
We’re all really excited for this event!

We have made numerous changes for this year including, but not limited to a new venue, and a complete overhaul of our judging system.

This year registration will be opening up at our season opener April 11/10, which will be held at the AMC lot in Whitby starting at 7pm.

Pre-reg will be $20, at the gate $40.

More announcements will follow, hope to see you all there!


wHy WoUlD tHeY sPeLl evErYtHiNg like ThIs

Oh god.
That flyer is HORRIBLE.

My credentials allow me to say that…

30Lb Chrome wheels and Tuner should not be in the same Poster.

cuz it’s mAd JdM tYtE yO!!