Yahoo & Microsoft partnership :(

saw this on CNN.

I really despise M$

why the :frowning: ? Yahoo search sucked balls. Anything that slows down google becoming skylab is ok with me.

Microsoft destroys companies…

Yahoo was fighting this for a long time.

Time to change my homepage

I use yahoo as my IE homepage and Google as my FireFox one.

I was hoping for Yahoo to continue the fight against Microsoft.

I am more concerned about what job opportunities Yahoo will bring to WNY. I can just imagine the resume dump on that place.

not very many of them, unless you happen to be a server.

Not to mention people with the specific skill sets they’re looking for are not in Buffalo.

Bing did take over yahoo search so it may be a decent idea to get the best developers together and work on going after google.

Just a lot of people (like me) are loyal to google.

Agree but you never know.

Yahoo has a search engine?


Whats your beef with google?

nothing, I love google. I use them for my search. But anything with no real competition gets stagnant. They keep venturing into a billion different areas and they might lose focus on their core competencies.

I thought this would have happened last year or this year maybe, but their company mission seems to be surprising themselves more than their users. I agree though, competition is key.

Its SkyNET you silly human. Get it right.

Oh right. Skylab was a space station from before I was born.

Lmao… I figured he was referencing a “big brother” situation or something lol… but this response was hilarious.