"Yall Gonna Get Clowned!" - Danny & His Boyz pt.2

ALOT does not equal A LOT.
OFFENCE does not equal OFFENSE.
ARROGENT does not equal ARROGANT.

Isn’t automatic spell check implemented in every web browser in existence? The little red dotted lines under your made up words are trying to tell you that regardless of how cool Danny is, you’re still wrong.

:lol: At people defending this winner

Did anyone let this kid know he is white? I think he is confused.

nope… IE still doesn’t have this… wonderful microsoft.

I bet when he clowns you sukkas he will have his seat 3/4 the way back to the floor while he leans towards the middle of the car.

Sounds like a true genuine 2 fast 2 furious street racer. I’m gonna have to watch out in my Prizm, he might race me balls to the wall.


Just scare him off with copious front wheel heaters.

One wheel peels…

This thread sucks.


It’s 4 pages, man… I figured it was way too long for you. Not reading it.

OMG i didnt know this was about dan suppZ

he comes to valvo alot, i always inspect his cars, i guess he got loads of cash from sum settlement

So why does he drive a beat 240?

with generic ebay parts?

I miss nick pearl

Ballin on a budget???

has anyone who has ever won money on a settlement spent it wisely? I’m just sayin…

He seems like a good person though.

like the chapelles show episode lol


All you mother fuckers are a bunch of asshole rich kids with nothing better to do than talk shit. Born trust fund babies. Always talking shit never back it up.

I’m poor and I drive a Neon.