Gotta save loot for some rock.
Gah, you’re right. I have trouble typing “fucking moron”.
Perhaps he spent his money on:
Lol @ not getting the joke :picard:
i still havent gotten clowned, all the rest of you clowns get in line for the clowning, i was quite obviously the first one on the list.
Well if you want to clown em, then clown their asses, but they are who we thought they were! We let em off the hook!
goddamnit carl that giant pic is so annoying
If you think you have it bad try viewing it on a net book! Im scrolling like a mofo just to find the reply button.
Ford GT :homer:
Dude… I know Danny, and …
this thread is getting weird.
lol “doabarrelroll”
Ok I have given up the ease of the netbook. I need a 23" monitor to read this fucking page.
it keeps crashing my browser
I have a 24" monitor, and it’s not big enough.
lol… high res / large image war is large.