Yay, more Drama, This time Infinity Ward


Scandal Hits Call Of Duty Devs: What We Know [Call Of Duty] - Like - Share - Comment
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 	 	 	By [Kotaku](http://www.gamersspot.com/index.php?profile_id=432622), 06:05:10 on Tuesday, March  2, 2010 - [Follow Kotaku](http://www.gamersspot.com/facebook/?controller=news&op=view-news&news_id=28575&fb_sig_in_iframe=1&fb_sig_iframe_key=a2ef406e2c2351e0b9e80029c909242d&fb_sig_base_domain=www.gamersspot.com&fb_sig_locale=en_US&fb_sig_in_new_facebook=1&fb_sig_time=1267552885.5377&fb_sig_added=1&fb_sig_profile_update_time=1261003223&fb_sig_expires=1267560000&fb_sig_user=35203669&fb_sig_session_key=2.D09eBiQxQQ_YNfaHTS9j_Q__.3600.1267560000-35203669&fb_sig_ss=Cl4v4VRaFpxb67XCTD57Mg__&fb_sig_cookie_sig=5cb45ab00e6e76c1c647266ad6c26d1d&fb_sig_ext_perms=auto_publish_recent_activity&fb_sig_api_key=39c2a221d301eb2e9a55e3391bf7c21f&fb_sig_app_id=2645016222&fb_sig=e6bc220549082781303d369c15bd2ee0#)
 	 	 		[![http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/9/2010/03/500x_iwvati.jpg](http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/9/2010/03/500x_iwvati.jpg)](http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/9/2010/03/iwvati.jpg) While most of you slept, drama struck Infinity Ward, the creators of the Call of Duty series, with allegations of "insubordination" from publishers Activision and the rumoured departure of the studio's two top men. <b>This post will be updated throughout the day.</b>

The news first hit yesterday afternoon, when G4 reported that IW heads Vince Zampella and Jason West had met with Activision, after which neither were seen from again by staffers and “a bunch of bouncer-types” showed up outside Infinity Ward’s offices.
The situation between the developer and publisher had been described as “tense” for some time.
Things got interesting a few hours later, when updates to Jason West’s Linkedin page revealed that he had ceased employment at the developer.
And then got really interesting when an SEC filing from earlier in the day revealed that Activision had launched an investigation into some allegedly iffy conduct at Infinity Ward, including “insubordination” and “breaches of contract” that affected “two senior employees” at the studio.
That’s everything we’ve heard, so far. Fascinating stuff for the innocent bystander. But what do we actually know?
What’s Been Rumoured

  • That IW bosses Vince Zampella and Jason West have been fired. Neither the pair nor Activision have issued statements regarding the issue, so the nature of their employment (or departure) is yet to be confirmed; remember, the Activision SEC filing only mentions “two senior employees”, it doesn’t name names. Indeed, we haven’t heard anything from Zampella regarding the situation.
  • That Activision sent security guards to the Infinity Ward offices. Who those men are, who sent them and more importantly, what they were doing there have yet to be determined. All we have are reports that they were “bouncer-types”, nothing more.
    What We Know
  • The Activision SEC filing is legit, and is concrete information. They are serious allegations, and will probably result in a major lawsuit.
  • Jason West no longer works at Infinity Ward. His Linkedin profile page is legitimate, and clearly states that he ceased employment at the studio in March 2010. We just don’t know why/how he no longer works there.
    That’s it. Be sure to separate the two when considering the situation, as things are still incredibly murky. We will of course update you (and this post) throughout the day as we hear more on the situation.

so this means,?

that jvg needs a hobby… OTHER THAN VIDEO GAMES


It means possibly no more CoD games. Or a bunch of spin-offs, that are either way better than CoD, or absolutely horrible. Any of those scenarios.

so what you’re saying is IT MEANS NOTHING AT ALL!!!

Exactly. :lol

Some people gonna be in BIGGG trouble. I want to know exactly what they did.

99.9% don’t give a dead moose’s last shit who did what

that is all

Cliff notes? Did they get caught nuke-boosting??

this isth thuper therious guythsssssss

gayest thread on shift.

JVG needs a life if hes this serious about video games.Thats right fuck you Jon

so then why post, while you may think that no one cares, millions of people play these peoples games so im sure your assessment is wrong. And while it may not be, im sure thzt 100.99% of people dont give a dead mooses last shit what you have to say.

That is all

so then why quote him? you may think that noone cares but many people know Chris so I’m sure your assessment is wrong. It might not be, I’m sure that 110% of people don’t give a dead mooses last shit about what you have to say about what Chris had to say.


So then why quote him? you may think that noone cares but many people know Waltbabyluv so im sure your assessment is wrong. It might not be, im sure that 100000% of people dont give a dead rats ass last stinky smelly crusty shit about what you have to say about what Waltbabyluv or Chris had to say.


:rofl…best part of the whole fail thread

This thread is really gay. Jon, you need to get out of the house.

I dont give a shit if there are anymore CoD games, I want to hump Olivia Munn. Killzone is better.

