
cool. so my dad and i are going tomorrow morning to pick this baby up…anyone know any good forums to join for this bad boy?..the first thing im doing to it tomorrow is taking off the ghey Honda symbol and four m auto sales junk on the trunk and the s2000 on the side, just to clean it up a little bit. and also are there any ways to clear out the orange reflector in the front headlight? well whatever, ill look at it more tomorrow when we pick it up…http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=170810393&dealer_id=625774&car_year=2002&search_type=both&make=HONDA&sponsorModel=%2Fredirect%2Fredirector_link.jsp%3Fto_url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fad.doubleclick.net%252Fclk%253B15221680%253B11086139%253Bx%253Fhttp%253A%252F%252Fautomobiles.honda.com%252Ftools%252Fwindowmanager.asp%253FFunction%253Dbuild_and_price%26mis%3DFNSFBDMGEH625&model=S2000&distance=200&address=14221&advanced=&certified=&bkms=1144472692548&max_price=&min_price=&first_record=26&end_year=2004&start_year=2000&isp=y&pager.offset=25&lang=en&cardist=6

Very nice purchase :tup:

Good buy!

indeed :tup:

I’m liking those cars more and more all the time. I wonder how they are to drive? I’ve never driven a car with a powerband like an S2k, I bet it’s a blast.

Nice color too. :tup:

yea me too…i cant wait to seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slight_smile:


s2ki will be the only board you need to join :slight_smile:

:tspry: to teh 02 st00k

very nice i just drove one like a week ago loved it!

02 ftw :slight_smile:

Man, great for you. Those cars are so nice man. Can’t say enough good things about them.

Oh before they tried to butter them up! Good purchase. I have a feeling that history will treat the S2000 kindly. :slight_smile:

nice pickup with incredibly low mileage!

yours or your dads?

nice. these cars are cool.

very cool car

should be able to bake the headlight apart , trim off the orange piece, and then put the lense back on … IF they dont use epoxy to hold the headlamps together

yes there is a way. SIGN UP FOR S2KI NOW!!!

what is hte site, s2ki.com?

and it is my fathers. he bought it with cash today…taking delivery on tues.(no insurance to drive it home/working til 9pm on monday)