Yeah i'm new here........yep

Yeah i’m new here…yep

that is great anything else you would like to tell us?


That should cover it!

welcome, now fuck off, heres your cookie and your ban stick
:cookie: :ban:

What would you like to sell us.

my guess would be that he would like to sell us stickers.

No looks like you already got a bunch around here

Sell me scratch and sniffs !!!

These crackers don’t have any.

That would be a sweet business Plan! not sure what I would do with all that extra cash

What kinda cash we talking ?


Like I said you and whacker boy slickvic are shooting for fuckhead of pittspeed 2009

It’s euros not german :rolleyes:

its fuckin german, im tellin you, my uncle is german, i know these things. im a mutha fuckin genius and a voice of a generation

who cares if you are german so am I. What the fuck you want a cookie for being wrong?
your fail of kanye that happened weeks ago is dumb to post

well fuck you, i just saw that episode last night. and yes, if i ever meet you, you owe me a big mother fucking cookie!

Youl could not handle the fish and cookie


I love noob threads

Call me Whacker Boy again, I’ll eat your car. That’s “MISTER WHACKER, SIR.”

