Year end / Christmas Bonus...


Jokes on you fuck face i got a $25 gift card for Tops!


LOL I got a Little mermaid snow globe last year… Biggest bonus I’ve ever received


Because you on here ranting about money and peoples goals in life…

I didn’t know you suddenly became an authority on the topic and had the ability to speak volumes on the subject…

Hard work & Motivation = More money

How did you ever come up with such a new and novel idea?

You never did post what your Xmas bonus was this year?

I would be more then happy to listen to JoeTypeS…or someone else on here with an established career rant about what you should do…not some random theory that someone has not even applied in real life.


Funny, I didn’t see you as a authority on this topic either. He shared his viewpoint and if you don’t like it, however logical or illogical it is, he can post it. If you don’t agree with it, say that.

Trust me, if there was someone I was censoring on this board, Drew would hardly even be worth considering. You on the other hand…


Justin i didnt want to drag money into this but i just think you are plain out wrong here. I am 22 years old i have almost $70,000 i have saved. I have a college degree. I am going to open a business relativley soon. I have achieved a rank that takes most people 5ish years to obtain. Im sorry i might not have millions but i am a far cry from someone not to listen to if you ask me. I know most people at my age would love to be in my position.



I hope your business fails and all your money that you saved goes with it… Remember Sole proprietorship is the way to go so you are fully liable.

I asked for a set of christmas lights to add a festive touch to my bench 2 weeks ago… Didnt get em yet…

I’m not personally attacking your hopes, dreams, ambitions…I wish you the best.

I would rather see someone 5-6 years into a career speak on this topic instead of someone just making generalized statements like “hard work will get you ahead”

If you want big bonuses, get a job where managing money is what you do…finances, stocks, hedge funds, etc… These are the types of jobs where people make most of their money in bonuses.

Kissing ass and being liked will get you ahead…




That’s the kinda responce that keeps me at my job, thanks. :lol:



:banghead: Let’s just all lay our dicks out on the table for cougerspeed and measure…! What you’re doing is continuing to type as if your shit doesn’t stink and everyone should follow your lead down the road of life. The best part is that no-one has argued with you yet, and you continue to push. We get it, we all need your help. Thanks. For everyone that would like to read more of the cougarspeed philosophy go read Donald Trump’s new book, Think Big and Kick Ass, and ignore his thought’s on women. He is proven, I think :bloated:

I’m glad you’re happy with where you are headed, and how your life is going. I really am. I wish everyone on this board the same level of satisfaction in life. Chances are that if noone asked for help, it’s because they don’t want it!

I’m certainly not crying for help. I love my job 90% of the time but most importantly I have a good life, and an AWESOME wife/home life. Oh yea, I make great money too, and should be looking at a Newman size bonus this year :hitit:.


HAHA come on man i was just poking fun at you dont get wound up. I have said it many times here. I am nothing at all. I only hav hopes of being something someday is all. Nobody needs to follow what i say. All it is is that to be honest at one point i was severly depressed and really just hated life. I actuall read a book(haha serious) and started to look at lifes adventures in a different way is all. This has helped me with my self worth, confidencs, and i think will help me in the future. What im saying is it drasticlly helped my life and i think could help others. Im not saying this is how anyone has to be its simply my experience. But im 22 and really dont know anything yet really. Are you asking for measurements of my cock. Pm me your e-mail lol jk man. I do enjoy a good discussion now and again a debate perhaps. One where both sides can walk away better and i can take some positive from this so i think you for that. Again im sorry my views bother you. I know people dont like advice when its not asked for hell im the same way. One more time ill say it. It has helped me tons and just wanted to share it.


You guys kill me hahahhaha im sorry i shared some worthwile insight and advice. I wish everyone the best and would like to see everyone obtain everything they want. But hey winners are winners and losers are losers and i cant help this. Its funny because i do plan on writing a book but not a self help book well kinda. It will be marketed toward losers who think reading a book will help them in life hahahaha. A winner wouldnt need such book.


This might be the shittiest paragraph I’ve ever read. Please don’t write a book…don’t even read one…

Editors FTW

Im not going to write a damn book hahaha come on guys. I tried to share some thing that helped me in life so far and some of you are acting like i just started kittens on fire and threw them at old women.


Editors FTW


They’re not going to fucking rewrite your entire book…


Editors FTW


Editors quiting from putting up with your terrible writing skillZ FTW


Im not going to write a damn book hahaha come on guys. I tried to share some thing that helped me in life so far and some of you are acting like i just started kittens on fire and threw them at old women.


I think your advice more or less just Sucked BTW


Im not going to write a damn book hahaha come on guys. I tried to share some thing that helped me in life so far and some of you are acting like i just started kittens on fire and threw them at old women.


LOL, ok man, its all good…

Just ATTEMPT to spell better. It pisses 96% of nyspeed off when its difficult to read a post.

I do have terrible writing skillz hahah they are really bad i know thats why it was a funny joke about the book thing. Its so bad that i take almost all writing electives to try to help but it dosent lol. Sadly i dont think it will ever get better and i can only blame myself hahah.

people can rip cougarspeed apart if they feel its necessary; however, i think he makes a lot of valid points.

concerning yourself with other’s success from a perspective of jealousy and resentment will never get you to achieve your goals. concern yourself with and surround yourself with successful people, and figure out how to get to where they are, if that’s what you desire.

its a simple point, and it does have validity. control what you can control, dont worry about what you cant, and focus on yourself.

i think the way cougarspeed approached the whole thing propped him up on a soap box. good point, but mediocre delivery.

but for christs sake, can this thread get back on topic?


LOL, ok man, its all good…

Just ATTEMPT to spell better. It pisses 96% of nyspeed off when its difficult to read a post.


Its funny beacuse im so aware of the problem that you will see sometimes my font comes in funny because i will write a response in word fix it as best as possible then post it hahahahahaha. This is only when i think i really screwed up alot of stuff.

I wish I could find the statistic about your income being with in 10% of your 5 closest friends…

Really thats not suprising though to be honest. Makes sense to me i also have views about surrounding yourself with the right people hahahahaha but we wont go into that. LOL you guys are making my day great.