YET ANOTHER ford gt dies .... because this guy hates new SUV prices

Upset With The Price For A New SUV
As Customers Watched, He Torched The Business
$150K Limited Edition Blue Ford GT among 11 Cars Destroyed

fuckin dickhead

i hate it when i hear of rare shit getting destroyed. esp cause someone is fucking crazy.

what a fucktard, i wonder how much they will sell the salvage of it for

The dealership deserved it tho. Literally robbed the guy. GT was a waste.

and oh yea … he later hung himself while on a plane … ]

You expect a dealership to be honest :roll: Its his own damn fault that he didn’t read all the paperwork first… stupidity. But considering the 2nd story, the guy was NOT right in the head.

Sad to see the car go, especially the surveillance video of the Escape hitting the GT. But for those that own a GT, the value just went up ever so slightly.

what a douche…

I think the delaership made out on that deal )insurance wise) … but they now have a bad name thruout the country… so it might end them,

:tup: for the crazy guy

the stigma of “they ripped a guy off so bad that he burnt the place down and hung himself” for a while

add in the fact that the insurance is going to pay depreciation on everything but the vehicals, the fact that they lost tons of paperwork for pending sales and such,

hell … even if a lock box full of keys got burnt, how much is a single remote fob … times 30 or 40 keys …

all the cars destroyed will get paid for at dealer cost, not sticker …

chances are they will make good money on the GT thou … it DID get hit by another vehical … so its gonna be dead dudes insurance that pays for that …

Right… why whould I expect a business to be honest. :gtfo:

Just playing the numbers when it comes to sales (especially car sales)… rarely is anything 100% true. The fact remains that the putz didn’t bother to read over EVERYTHING before signing. The numbers were all there on paper and he decided to believe what the salesman told him. He’d probably believe that gullible isn’t in the dictionary either.


The man most likely wasn’t right in the head considering what happened afterwards. Sad and unfortunante, for the guys family and Ford fans.

it was unfortunate for his family that he was fucked in the head in the first place. And it’s only sad to the Ford fan that was actually going to buy that particular GT.

guy needs to take lessons on how to deal with rage from Frank Costanza

“serenity now!”

now you say something! It’s a bit late…considering he’s dead and all. lol

Another Ford GT that will soon be parts

Sgt. Early said the sports car, a Ford GT with a Herb Chambers dealership plate, was traveling east on Belmont Street when the crash occurred about 5:45 p.m.
Elizabeth Chambers, 26, of 197 Eighth St., Charlestown, was taken by ambulance to UMass Memorial Medical Center
Sgt. Early said the car was driven by her husband, George Chambers, 39, of the same address
So they own or are related to the Herb Chambers dealership.

What are these cars the most difficult things to drive or something?

i think the problem is that people are used to front engine cars that like to understeer. im sure its WAY easy to get the GT to rotate in a corner on a track, and THAT becomes a problem on the street

people are used to cars that have all teh weight in the front, and they wind up driving a GT that is more of a tailhappy car in the wrong hands

man… this sucks, i LOVE these cars :frowning:

hahaha if I ignore the part about him actually burning down a business and killing himself, it’s kind of funny that somebody actually drove their car through the dealership that ripped them off. I think we all have had that thought cross our mind before, it’s just that nobody was fucking nuts enough to do it…