Yet another HTPC Build Thread

I have been running my current nettop htpc for about 18 months now (no build thread created for it) it had served its purpose quite well but I wanted something beefier that could handle anything I threw at it and move the nettop to bedroom duty. We are also cutting the cable cord and see how it goes.

My nettop was a AMD E-350, however I have not been pleased with the drivers so I decided to stay with my preference of Intel and I tried to build it with heat and power savings in mind.

Silverstone GD05-USB3.0
Intel Core i3-3220T
ASRock H77 Pro4-M
Corsair Vengenace DDR3 1600 4GB Kit
Corsair CX430 PSU
NZXT Fan Controller
Logitech Mini KB

Not listed that is part of this that I already owned was a 500GB Seagate HD, HDHomerun and DB4 Antenna.

I picked these parts to keep power, noise and heat down. The silverstone case is really great, it has excellent cable management however the fan controller is necessary as my mobo only had two fan leads plus the cpu. You could potentially get away with two fans and upgrade them to something that has pulse width modulation. Thus far in my testing it runs pretty cool while playing 1080p/720p video where the GPU is handling a brunt of the work. I have not tested older rips where the CPU would be used yet.

Some internals… (click for bigger)

I did a lot of reading on and came really close to doing a ITX build but JayS pointed out to me that any of my case selections to keep within my budget would have looked like ass in my entertainment stand. I was not about to drop $350 for a HD-Plex case. This solution is what I came up with, if you look at JayS HTPC Build there are a lot of similarities since I made many of his hardware suggestions. Not including the parts I already owned I invested a little over 500 in it.

Some final pics…

Installing Windows 7 on my desk with my 22" Dynex TV

System in its final home with my 60 Sharp LED…

Let me know how getting live TV going through XBMC works. I’ve only messed with it a little bit but haven’t got it working yet.

Looks pretty well done man.

I really wanted to do a build but alas the only way I could convince the lady to hop on board was a compromise Mac Mini build :frowning:

I am holding off on doing that and using WMC, the XBMC live TV is still very primitive.

I use wmc for tv on all the tv’s in my house. it works great.

Looks like a nice build. :tup:

Yeah, that’s what I was finding the more I read and the reason I didn’t put much effort into get it to work.

I really like the idea of not having to jump back and forth between XBMC and WMC for ease of use but XBMC has a long ways to go.

I do think I’m going to set up something to batch convert/rename the stuff WMC DVR’s and have XBMC pick it up automatically.

Hmmm I like good read, I was thinking about getting a fm2 quad to replace my am2 dual core.

I wanted to look into that myself with stripping the commercials out too.

Love your case probably the best case IMO has amazing airflow too.