Yet another reason why minorities get a bad rep.

come on now. lol

I for one dont believe many things scientists say now a days. Too much salt causes heart attacks, now too little salt causes heat attacks. They change their tune every day. Without getting into it, most of its all about money. Studies have shown… those studies cost money. How many investors would dump millions into a place that produces “studies” that fail, or dont produce the results they were after??? NONE. How many of those studies you think are swayed in the end to complete the goals wanted by the investors?

never the less.

So people are born, and in their genes they are programed to take it in the ass? (or are more likely to) If so, plant that gene in someone and put them in the playboy mansion through out puberty and well into their 20’s. See how that “study” goes! lol

And the thing about pro athletes having it in their family genes is false too. Another thing ruled by money and a name. Nobodys have such a hurdle to overcome to get to a pro rank in any sport. Take motocross for example. Go to a local race and keep an eye on the fastest kid on the track. Go back to the pits and see what the parents drive. Bet its a H2 with an enclosed trailer, $3000 in parts and gear, etc. Now go to a semi pro race and watch the fast riders. Now you start to see family’s living out of class A motorhomes worth as much as my house, with out of state plates, and a big ass trailer with extra bikes, parts, everything. The mom and dad are talking to sponsors, media, etc. VERY RARELY do you see a rider come from nothing, roll up and dump a bike out the back of a rusted out F150 and wipe up the field on the track. Hell take me for example. My brother, my father, my grandfather, hell nobody other than my uncle has ever thrown a leg over a MX bike and hit the track. Its just not in my DNA. HOWEVER, I can, have and will tomorrow put a serious ass wooping on 90% of the riders on the local tracks around me. I hang right next to the expert/semi pro racers that their family’s are pumping mega money into the kids racing career. Hell one time at a practice day at I had some father come up to me and tell me to back off my kid on the track because “unlike you, he will be on tv racing dirt bikes” ROFL This was after the little show off CUT THE TRACK to get ahead of me, and apparently his father didnt like the whip and look back I did on the kid as I trippled over his head when I caught back up to him.

DNA might give you a head start towards something but if anything its only about 1/5 of the way there.