Yet another reason why minorities get a bad rep.

Signh wanted to be like the wealthy suburbia white girl who comes home with one of the ying yang twins on a date to introduce to her father. FUCK YOU DAD.

yeah dude but paris hilton was born first

HHAHAHAHA Just noticed your neg rep for my stellar comment above this post. LOL I wish there was a bitch slap button on here. :rofl :rofl :rofl

^omgggg lmfaoo. :rofl:rofl

Cant we all agree on the simple fact that you will be accepted/rejected by the majority of society by how you act in public?

If your black and act like a fool, you are going to be labeled a N!G
If your white and act like a fool, you are going to be labeled white trash
If you are a dude who likes dudes and acts like a fool you are going to be labeled a fag
If you are a chick who likes chicks and acts like a fool you are going to be labeled a dyke

the list goes on. I understand not turning into sheep, and I am all about bring original, but you have to be fucking stupid, ignorant, or just doing it for the god damn attention to act soooo far out of the norm and not accept the fact that you might/will catch shit for it.

For John to have to come up with a reason, on the spot, to answer his kids question about why for the first time in their life they just say 2 dudes kissing like mom and dad do, is such bull shit. If I were in Johns shoes, I would have dropped them both and told my kid they were the devil or something. What if johns kids went to school and started kissing their male friends at school because they think thats fine to do? Then it all snowballs and the kids get shun’d from school, dont get a good education, drop out, turn to drugs, etc. All snowballs into shit.

Fuck that. Have some common sense. You know the vast majority of people wont agree with your actions, have the decency to keep them out of public view. Again, most people that dont agree with your “feelings” wont just walk up to you and start shit, 99% of the people need to be provoked to escalate it to the next level.

what else.

Being born a homo or a transgender is a straight up excuse for their actions. Its all in their heads. It not genetics. If it were humans wouldnt exist. nature is formed and built to survive. 2 men cant have babies together, and 2 women cant have babies together, nature knows this and wouldnt shoot itself in the foot and throw some wild cards in the gene pool. Its broken minds, choosing to be “different”.

Pretty much agree with the bold part… highly disagree with the last part.

For arguments sake

List of animals displaying homosexual behavior

thanks I guess.

what dont you agree with on the second half?

My jist was go a head and be your own person, to a point. A socially accepted point. When you surpass a point in which its possible for the majority of society to think your an asshole, dont complain about catching shit for it.

Look at riced out cars. You might like the wild body kits, twirling doors dragon graphics down the side of the paint, but the mass majority of the automotive society highly disagrees with you. When you pull up to a street light, you are going to get looks and comments thrown your way. You have to know it was coming if you didnt you are (like I said); fucking stupid, ignorant, or just doing it for the god damn attention.

Absolutely no different than 2 homos holding hands walking down the street in Texas. If you stick out like a sore thumb, and dont fit the “normal” status in society… you will catch shit.

Thats why Provence town in CapeCod the gays dont catch a lot of shit… because they are amongst the majority of society in that town. 9 out of 10 people walking around are gay. Not like say Schenectady wither is 1 out of 10.

Where is my flaw in logic here?

Are you fucking kidding me??? the European Bison is fucking gay??? WTF!!!

I will defeat you with my logic here too. How many of those animals on the list have you seen flying, swimming, or scurrying around the planet with “Smack my ass you naughty boy you” tee-shirts, or putting a bumper sticker on their car that says “Gay as fuck, and I love it”? NONE (not only because they dont wear cloths or drive cars, please look past that lol). They blend in to nature as far as we know. Maybe they have racists and homophobs too! How do we know?

yea them motherfucking black buffalos don’t work for SHIT!!!



Black cows breathin all the white cows air

And, they stink!!

I should have specified… I meant I disagreed with this part.

Being born a homo or a transgender is a straight up excuse for their actions. Its all in their heads. It not genetics. If it were humans wouldnt exist. nature is formed and built to survive. 2 men cant have babies together, and 2 women cant have babies together, nature knows this and wouldnt shoot itself in the foot and throw some wild cards in the gene pool. Its broken minds, choosing to be “different”.

I don’t think being gay or lesbian is a choice… I think thats who that person is. I agree with your ideas about society, anything but the norm will take abuse. Look back at Roman and Greek history, lots of homosexuality there. Yah know the 300 spartans? Lot of evidence that they were all bisexual.


Whats your argument for gay/lesbian isnt a choice its “who they are”?

Are people born prostitutes, crack heads, race car drivers, child molesters, murderers, pro athletes, genius’s, etc.? NO. They were more or less molded into what they “are” because at the time they took an interest (so be it habit, necessity or just plan curiosity) to do so.

Society makes the person… simple as that. Nature adapts to its surroundings. Simple example. If some girl gets cheated on, dumped, raped, etc by some guys, and at some point she thinks, fuck all that shit I am done with guys I am going to chow beaver from now on, and becomes a lesbian… she did so by choice and circumstance… not by DNA.

So how come society hasnt made one good female driver to date? :rofl

Well… I took a class called human population biology and it went into the specifics about how scientists believe how someone becomes a homosexual. I can’t cite specific information right now… but I can tell you, in the world of academia, it is accepted that being gay or lesbian, or bisexual is biological. It has to make some sense too… like you said, if your not part of the norm your going to face abuse and in America its pretty brutal. Why would someone want to choose to deal with that?

As for the second part… I agree that some of those things you have to be molded into, but a large part has to be genetics as well. When you said pro athletes I thought of the manning family. Father was a pro quarterback and has two sons that are pro quarterbacks and one that was supposedly better than the other two, but had to stop playing due to injury. Nature and nurture. You don’t have three sons that are high caliber players with luck.

come on now. lol

I for one dont believe many things scientists say now a days. Too much salt causes heart attacks, now too little salt causes heat attacks. They change their tune every day. Without getting into it, most of its all about money. Studies have shown… those studies cost money. How many investors would dump millions into a place that produces “studies” that fail, or dont produce the results they were after??? NONE. How many of those studies you think are swayed in the end to complete the goals wanted by the investors?

never the less.

So people are born, and in their genes they are programed to take it in the ass? (or are more likely to) If so, plant that gene in someone and put them in the playboy mansion through out puberty and well into their 20’s. See how that “study” goes! lol

And the thing about pro athletes having it in their family genes is false too. Another thing ruled by money and a name. Nobodys have such a hurdle to overcome to get to a pro rank in any sport. Take motocross for example. Go to a local race and keep an eye on the fastest kid on the track. Go back to the pits and see what the parents drive. Bet its a H2 with an enclosed trailer, $3000 in parts and gear, etc. Now go to a semi pro race and watch the fast riders. Now you start to see family’s living out of class A motorhomes worth as much as my house, with out of state plates, and a big ass trailer with extra bikes, parts, everything. The mom and dad are talking to sponsors, media, etc. VERY RARELY do you see a rider come from nothing, roll up and dump a bike out the back of a rusted out F150 and wipe up the field on the track. Hell take me for example. My brother, my father, my grandfather, hell nobody other than my uncle has ever thrown a leg over a MX bike and hit the track. Its just not in my DNA. HOWEVER, I can, have and will tomorrow put a serious ass wooping on 90% of the riders on the local tracks around me. I hang right next to the expert/semi pro racers that their family’s are pumping mega money into the kids racing career. Hell one time at a practice day at I had some father come up to me and tell me to back off my kid on the track because “unlike you, he will be on tv racing dirt bikes” ROFL This was after the little show off CUT THE TRACK to get ahead of me, and apparently his father didnt like the whip and look back I did on the kid as I trippled over his head when I caught back up to him.

DNA might give you a head start towards something but if anything its only about 1/5 of the way there.