Yet another reason why minorities get a bad rep.

Dinosaurs ate Steve.

He was there for the gangbang.

If its two girls and theyre hot fuck yeah I want to see it.

If theyre 55 year old butch trucker dykes wearing cut off flannel shirts and sporting gray mullets I dont want to see them doing what they do though.

Two guys should be shot for doing anything like that.


Oh man… this thread :facepalm


and sadly most lesbians are exactly that

I’m guessing you’ve gone to college because I’ve learned the same things. You gotta give up though… people on this forum are not open to legitimate empirical evidence.

Well i mean, god did snap his fingers and create EVERYTHING.

Nah it took him a few days too.

Not like he’s almighty or anything.

Members are starting to question science. This could be deep.

dear god. im blazed and that has me in pain laughing so hard

I try so hard to stay out of these threads… but reading some of the shit pjb puts out just drives me nuts. Complete and utter foolishness.

college is what corrupts your mind, and in hvcc’s case, makes your more racist :lol


didnt HE?

Singh… do you ever worry that people on this forum are going to come to your house and lynch you?

nope i got too big of a family and a team of goons im pretty much safe to say w/e i want *****

Well that’s good

anyways this thread is racist and im PISSED

well maybe you shouldn’t have chosen to be brown when you were given the choice


i didnt know what the fuck i was doing and i just acted out of frustration