Angry GF smashes truck, makes child cry

Four iron?

that was hilarious

banging crazy bishes :down

That bitch would have gotten punched in the mouth, and Im usually totally against that shit lol.

wow whats up with all that drama

crazy hoe

I can’t believe she ended up getting the kid with the iron! She did a number on that truck though holy shit… :wow

horrible bitch:crazy

wooooooooooooooooooooooooow. bitch’s running wild.

I’d love to know the back story on this.


  • 1 will watch again…waz waiting for her to smash some glass…idk how much you vacuum you can NEVER get all the untempered glass out of an interior…

girls are fucking crazy

not ALL of s, just some :lol

How about we go with MOST instead of some

(All) !!!^^^^^

crazy fuckin whore i woulda beat the shit outta her

If she EVER did that in front of my kid. that bitch is going down.

All of that is on tape, I’m sure she’s fucked :rofl
Dumb Bitch

shes just fuckin nuts, prolly does this all the time, prolly no story interesting