Angry lady in a silver honda

Foreword: I like girls and all, but I’m sorry, they shouldn’t be driving. That said, moving on.
I think somebody posted something about some bitch in an accord that hit em and drive away or something? Anyways. This morning on my way over I had a strange encounter with some angry chick in a newer silver accord. She flipped me off 3 times on alternate 7. 3 times! I didn’t even do anything. I didn’t cut anyone off or anything.
Here’s how it went down. I’m driving and coming onto alt 7 from 87. I usually sit in the left lane to pass some more cars before that lane ends. I’m rolling along, nobody in front of me all nice and cool. All of a sudden she spots me. Shes in the middle lane. At first I saw the car twitch from the middle lane a little towards the left lane, which is normal. Then she full blown crams her car between two lanes(no turns signals or anything) and blocks me from passing her, and slips me off. Okay, i’m thinking, what was that about now? There is still a LOT of lane left, so I keep rolling, thinking maybe she was eating or putting on makeup or some dumb shit I see women do driving. I didn’t think much of that at first. Was she angry because I tried to pass her legally? Then she drives slow and keeps brake checking me to literally not let me accelerate. After a min or two I see that there’s a HUGE gap between her and the car in front of her. Such a big gap that I cant even clearly see the cars up ahead of her. At this point she is MOST DEFINITELY holding me back on purpose. She held me back for a while like that, then I saw an opening in the right lane, downshifted and passed her. As I pass her I glance over to my left and I see her glaring at me with lazer eyes and slipping me off, I get around her and keep going. Later as i’m rolling in the right lane about to get onto 787, she goes by and flips me off again still glaring daggers at me. I’m sitting in the car going WTF?
Maybe she was having a bad morning. Maybe shes on the rag or something, but why take it out on a random person on the road? I should have written down her plate number. You guys remember how I mentioned that I need a dashboard cam in my car cuz I see dumb shit all the time? Yea, I’m giving myself one for new year’s or something, so I can post this stuff on youtube for everyone to see.
I was in a good mood this morning too, despite having to go to court today at 2 to argue a dumb 80 in a 65 ticket.

I would have followed that bitch to wherever she was going and stuck it in her ass so fucking hard she wouldn’t be able to see the light of day. :angry2

i contemplated doing that actually, but i was 40 minutes late for work at that point. if it was one of those off days like before a holiday when everyone in my office is off, id have followed her and just would went right up to her.

Well I have to ask… was she hot? :banana

average to below average.

Hit her with a fucking bat

maybe thats why shes so angry, cause shes ugly hahaha, whenever ppl do shit like that to me and get all mad, I just drive by look, smile at them and wave, that pisses them off even more lol, then sometimes I pull in front of them and do it right back but worse hahahahaah, its fun times :crackup

I take pictures of them with my cell phone :rofl

thats a awesome idea, omg im so doing that next time hahhaahah

this is why im-a get a camera

+1. I’ve never flipped anyone off though. But I mess with them like you wouldn’t believe sometimes. lol.

I had an idiot doing 30 on 9W today (55) cause it was…drumroll…OMG…RAINING! OH NOES! I was about ready to bump him Nascar style, dumb shmuck.

i never got this. why go 30 in the rain? with the way moderen tires are now, youre just as good going 55, so fcking GO 55. the car wont lose traction. geez!


I got hit by an old handycap lady in a silver accord in my teg. a while back…

i also need to avoid maroon mazda tributes. when im behind one shit happens on the road. especially 787.


I would flip you off too. GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE LEFT LANE IF YOU ARE NOT PASSING. :tong Just fucking with you. :nana

thats the thing, i was gearing up to pass and she didnt like that concept

werd! the left lane is the PASSING lane, NOT the FAST lane. If you are not passing anyone then move your ass over. If you are matching the speed of someone next to you then accelerate, pass, and move over to the middle lane! I would have been pissed at you too, but not pissed enough to “slip” you off or go out of my way to slow you down.

wtf is that? Just hit the gas!

He was waiting for Vtek Y0!