Angry lady in a silver honda

You get a camera, and I will get a Lotto ticket in my back window. So when I finally pass these fuck nuts, they can read my kind words… and u can get their reactions on camera too!!! We will own the roads dude!

Reminds me of something on central ave.

Me and my friend were leaving the lot when I spot a car rideing my ass. Like I mean up on my shit. So I sped up a little bit, still riding my ass. So I brake check them, thinking its some guy being a cocky asshole. Gets back a bit and right back up on my ass. I brake check him 2 more times and recieve flashing lights. I’m doing 60mph on central ave I mind you, the other lane is open. So I be the asshole knowing that I would more than likely be able to sweet talk my way out of anything with a cop provideing anything happens.

I remind you were doing about 60 on central ave, im in my 300ZX with no ABS ;D So I decided im going to scare the shit out of this asshole. Engage the clutch drop a gear slam my brakes lock all 4 wheels up smoke everywhere they come to about an inch of my bumper and I renegage and snap forward. After that they kept their distance. Finaly matt gets up next to me and says. OMG DUDE YOU SHOULD SEE THAT GIRLS FACE SHE LOOKS SCARED SHITLESS… with that very known matt ownes laugh.

My dad yells this thing when he sees a bad women driver…dub will know what it is lol.

“TO BABA!!!”

Cockblocked your self! lol

I did that on the thruway once. I was minding my own bussiness by my self and some ass hole kids were fucking with me, came up on me, saw the car and my plates and figured I would be game to mess around. they had a shit box so it was a waste of effort for me. I just stayed steady and didnt even look in the mirror, to give them the credit of pissing me off. I yanked my e-brake so fast, 80mph flatspots FTW. smoked his car right out. they were miles behind me the rest of the way!

mine and my dad’s has always been and will be “blyat’!” :lmao


fuck that. put her in the wall.