Yet another reason why minorities get a bad rep.

They may get bad rep, but they make good rap. I hate rap. And flatbrims.

How many guys can a guy bang before he’s gay?

At least a bakers dozen. Alex is almost maxed out.

I’m gonna turn this post nws and gay as fuck. I’m going to take a picture of my dick and post it after I shower.

lolol r u seriously gonna say that being a fag or tranny is suttin your genetics make up lol u r that dumb . its not a disease or a defect like down syndrom u ass . its a choice its not like a 1 yr olds first thought is im gonna suck dick when i get older or whatnot . my god all the fuckin shit fags throw out really does make people fuckin dumb

John you need to organize a straight pride parade and shit.

Its all how you were brought up man. I was brought up on a farm out in the sticks and was raised traditionally and brought up going to a christian church. Ignorant? maybe somewhat. If you dont like the way i act or my views i could give a fuck about you. So what if i hate queers/trannys/*******? It was how i was raised and there aint no damn way im gonna change, so if the world changes around me im gonna do my best to stay away from society and do my own damn thing way out here.



Sunflower seeds

All I need to live

still… trying… to… stay… away… must… go… look… at… porn… or… something


ya too bad hes only president because hes black :facepalm

I’ll agree with ya John

You must spread reputation around before giving it to sbardy again.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

So genetics have no part in sexual orientation? What causes you to be attracted to women just your choice?

Look at Travis, he’s an obvious faggot that was born that way.

I mean, you don’t learn to be that gay.

If I had a gay tendency when I was younger, my dad wouldve smacked that shit right out of me.

The problem is everyone is so open minded now, which is leading to tons of flamboyant gays around. There’s nothing wrong if a girl munches a box at home, or a
dude sucking corn behind closed doors but I don’t wanna watch Them kissing and shit in public.

That’s just my view.

Our god damn dicks! DUMBEST question ever. Why is the sky blue?

Yeh forgot about hormones, genetics, factors in pregnancy and all that nonsense.

Oh and explain to me the homosexual behavior in animals…is that just their ‘choice’?.

read that as ‘farts in pregnancy’

got really confused for a second.

adam and eve not adam and steve

plus there more gay guys the more women for me