Yet another reason why minorities get a bad rep.

Paragraphs man!!! ^

Gay guys are surrounded by hot girls most of the time, don’t you think they would change them? :lol

Explain this, a kid with a completely “normal” childhood, dating girls through out high school and eventually just realizing it’s not for him.

What part of society turns people into cross dressers?

People can spend their entire life at a job they never particularly like just to leave and be in their element doing something entirely else they never knew they could like.

I got negged from her as well from my comment. :ohnoes


Wayne since you ‘negged’ me for ‘my education’:rofl I’m curious to know what education you have…

I negged you for your comment about my education on my rep. Clearly there is no need to neg you for your education, you’re doing a great job all by yourself. Keep judging!!! :thumb:thumb:thumb:thumb:thumb

Edit: I’m just a dumb former mechanic, what could I possibly know!!!

I’m just truly curious, have you ever taken a child/human development class/psychology/genetics? Your posts don’t really seem to convey that you have knowledge in these areas. As far as judging goes, you seem very quick to call someone a faggot/homo/etc before even knowing them.


Gay guys are already gay. Hot girls dont want to change that so most dont try. My example was the opposite. You are not hard set gay prior to birth. You are brought up that way. Take a young impressionable mind, for arguments sake “hard set” 50% straight 50% gay in his DNA. Put him in from of naked hot chicks 24/7… I doubt he will end up gay in the end!

He was touched by a molester and got a boner… so figured well why not.
He was hurt by some girl, physically or mentally to the point he felt all girls were like that… so figured why not.
He was looking at porn and accidentally clicked on the wrong link… so figured why not.

The already stated it, Provence Town in Cape Cod. lol

Yeah I can relate. I am sick of computers and want to build cars fro a living. I am sick of working for a hard set annually $ amount, putting most of my efforts into the pocket of someone else. I want to swing for the other team (job wise) because of necessity, constant lack of self worth sitting in an office chair, and to prove my life was worth something when I achieve my goal. I can prove it right now. Ill got get a DNA test and prove my motive for change has nothing to do with what I was born with.


education is worthless without experience. Like Vlad said, 3rd world countries dont let retards go to college. Those places have higher held degrees. Here we push dumb fucking kids through school to up the graduation rate, to gain funding to keep the school putting money in their pockets. Go look at a test your son/daughter, niece/nephew or grandkid takes home next time, and see how much easier it seems to pass. i am not speaking because you are older than a 8th grader and know the material, I am saying put yourself in their shoes. Look at the job market. How many of you got your degree and have not found a job in the field yet? How many interviews have you gone on for a entry level position and saw 20 young kids all holding their degree in one hand and an empty resume in the other?

Look at the porn industry and the underage drinking statistics for college students. When I was in school, there wasn’t many college fuck fest sites out there! lol More kids go to school now to get laid and receive std’s than worthy diplomas it seems! What about the keg’s n eggs’ shit? I dont remember any of that happening 10 years ago! I thinks thats enough from me now. :ahh

I call everything like I see it. Can you please show me ONE serious post of mine in this thread??? I’d love to see references of what it is you’re referring to.

KK you generalize way too much.

So of society can turn someone gay why can’t circumstances turn him back straight? It’s obviously all mental and nothing he’s born with so it should change on the fly.

There are a million cases of no child abuse/molestation/hurt or anything else for that matter in a persons life where he still ends up being gay.

Cape cod doesn’t explain every cross dresser in the world.

People are born with different talents, different tastes and different preset preferences.

Ah nothing like a good old nature vs nurture debate.

Should we bring separates twins into this debate?

I dont need classes, a fucking degree or some professor to tell me about child/human development. I was once a child and still am a human. i change every day. Sofar I havent been in jail, never got stabbed, never got raped, and make a living supporting myself. I would say I developed just fine.

Also, I just need to take a stroll down the road. In the last few years I had little kids flip me off, swear at me, try to get in my face, break into my property, steal from me twice in a year with property values exceeding over $15000, witnessed 13, 15 and 17 year old kids go through the judicial system first hand, every day I have a story from my mother at the unbelievable shit that goes on in her ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, shit I didnt even see in highschool 10 years ago, stories about kids murdering, dismembering and burning the body of a 15 year old ex-boyfriend, do I need to continue?

Bringing this around full circle… does anyone here honestly think genes evolved that drastically in the last 5-10 years to produce such a crazy decline in young peoples lives??? If you blame ANY OF MY EXAMPLES ABOVE ON GENETICS YOU ARE STRAIGHT UP FUCKING IGNORANT.

How do some twins in the same family grow up to be entirely different?

TBH I didn’t mean to single you out for it just the way it came out, it just seem that a majority of the people who have this ‘hate’ mentality towards homosexuals just aren’t educated on the matter.

If this is me generalizing, do you really think this keyboard or your bandwidth would survive a well thought out KK rant!:rofl

So you are saying once you go gay you never go back!?!? lol if that is 100% true I will shut up now.

wait it isnt.

Cape Cod was just an example of what can cause someone to cross dress like your question asked.

Why is this so over complicated? Genetics can attribute to how much your brain acts like a sponge, how emotional someone can be, how they physically look, etc. But to say they decide your lifes path is horse shit. you decide.

I am going to get my hands on some gay pills and slip them into your drink next time we are out… since its that easy to make someone change.

Your own personal experience can not be generalized to everyone around you. Generalization is one of major things that cause people to be so misinformed. Not all teens commit murder, larceny etc but guess what, there will always be some that do, you just seem to be focusing on it more now but it’s not like these acts weren’t committed more than 10 years ago.

ROFL, you just shot everyone in the foot that believed that genetics are the stepping stone through life.

if they are twins a big god damn portion of their genes are the same (or very close). Mom liked Tommy more than Joey… Dad liked Joey more than Tommy. Mom and Dad split up and Mom got custody of the kids. Tommy continues on with life, and Joey misses the support his Dad used to give him. See where I am going with this. influence is everywhere. Its in the eyes of the beholder.

one example.

Ever read through the Minnesota twin study?

I used Twins on purpose because they are used for both sides of the argument.

Separated twins grew up to be similar in entirely different environments too.

How you behave is typically nurture, your prefereces and tendencies are nature.

No I haven’t.

completely true. I am not ignorant to the good deeds that young kids are also doing every day. far from it actually. Its just that its more and more prevalent now it seems.

Real talk here.

My class reunion is coming up. A bunch of us were just talking about how we cant think of anybody in my class got arrested when we were in school. I can think of only one girl that was pregnant. just two simple examples that came to mind.

My little sister is a Jr. in highchool now, going to the same school I did. She can list about 20 kids in her class that got arrested in the last year, 2 of her friends that come around my parents house are pregnant, and there are a bunch more examples of pregnant 15 and 16yr old girls in her school.

I dont make this shit up, i dont strive to get included in it, or to hunt it down for my own displeasure… i simply see it and am aware of how hard it might be when I have a kid and have to raise it… based on this trend I found.

So another words. Remove nurture and you have repeatable results every time to start the experiment with constant genetics?

no way. They both work together… one more so than the next. Nurture has a much bigger fist when it comes down to it than nature. Nature put you here, and nurture will return you right back to nature in the end!

Murrdog: Over and out.

Krazy kid… real talk, I need two aluminum bungs welded soon