Yet another reason why minorities get a bad rep.

Gay guys are already gay. Hot girls dont want to change that so most dont try. My example was the opposite. You are not hard set gay prior to birth. You are brought up that way. Take a young impressionable mind, for arguments sake “hard set” 50% straight 50% gay in his DNA. Put him in from of naked hot chicks 24/7… I doubt he will end up gay in the end!

He was touched by a molester and got a boner… so figured well why not.
He was hurt by some girl, physically or mentally to the point he felt all girls were like that… so figured why not.
He was looking at porn and accidentally clicked on the wrong link… so figured why not.

The already stated it, Provence Town in Cape Cod. lol

Yeah I can relate. I am sick of computers and want to build cars fro a living. I am sick of working for a hard set annually $ amount, putting most of my efforts into the pocket of someone else. I want to swing for the other team (job wise) because of necessity, constant lack of self worth sitting in an office chair, and to prove my life was worth something when I achieve my goal. I can prove it right now. Ill got get a DNA test and prove my motive for change has nothing to do with what I was born with.


education is worthless without experience. Like Vlad said, 3rd world countries dont let retards go to college. Those places have higher held degrees. Here we push dumb fucking kids through school to up the graduation rate, to gain funding to keep the school putting money in their pockets. Go look at a test your son/daughter, niece/nephew or grandkid takes home next time, and see how much easier it seems to pass. i am not speaking because you are older than a 8th grader and know the material, I am saying put yourself in their shoes. Look at the job market. How many of you got your degree and have not found a job in the field yet? How many interviews have you gone on for a entry level position and saw 20 young kids all holding their degree in one hand and an empty resume in the other?

Look at the porn industry and the underage drinking statistics for college students. When I was in school, there wasn’t many college fuck fest sites out there! lol More kids go to school now to get laid and receive std’s than worthy diplomas it seems! What about the keg’s n eggs’ shit? I dont remember any of that happening 10 years ago! I thinks thats enough from me now. :ahh