Yet another reason why minorities get a bad rep.

I dont need classes, a fucking degree or some professor to tell me about child/human development. I was once a child and still am a human. i change every day. Sofar I havent been in jail, never got stabbed, never got raped, and make a living supporting myself. I would say I developed just fine.

Also, I just need to take a stroll down the road. In the last few years I had little kids flip me off, swear at me, try to get in my face, break into my property, steal from me twice in a year with property values exceeding over $15000, witnessed 13, 15 and 17 year old kids go through the judicial system first hand, every day I have a story from my mother at the unbelievable shit that goes on in her ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, shit I didnt even see in highschool 10 years ago, stories about kids murdering, dismembering and burning the body of a 15 year old ex-boyfriend, do I need to continue?

Bringing this around full circle… does anyone here honestly think genes evolved that drastically in the last 5-10 years to produce such a crazy decline in young peoples lives??? If you blame ANY OF MY EXAMPLES ABOVE ON GENETICS YOU ARE STRAIGHT UP FUCKING IGNORANT.