You can't ever have enough Isle of Man.

This is poetry in motion.


I have no problem admitting that I would never have the balls to do that, and that whatever nuts I thought I may have had left fully retracted at 1:32 :wow

I’d love to ride there.

I hope that guy survived but it seems doubtful.

Record right now is just a hair over 131mph average speed :eek

That mid air wobble has to be the most indescribable feeling.


If its who I think it is, he died.

Targetfixation = splat

also this is the same even that someone dies on every time. (or am i thinking of something else) Its got to be the same feeling at the riders meeting, looking around and thinking “one of you wont be here at the end of the event”, closest thing I could fathom to that would be going off to war. Not me, no way.

Well, there is a reason why they don’t call the race “Isle of boys”

Not sure why they even bother with gear, if you go down on that course chances are you’ll hit something hard, and you’ll hit it very fast.

Courtesy, the suit acts as a zip lock bag for you’re bones and organs. Thus making clean up of the streets easier & death that much less gruesome for the spectators.