You go to SLIPPERY ROCK and live in DORMS?? HELP

  1. So if you go to Slippery Rock and live in the dorms or have lived in the dorms RECENTLY… I need your help.

  2. If you answered yes to the first question… my next question is do you have a copy of your dorm assignment??

  3. If you are still reading and you answered yes to those questions…please let me know how I can get in touch with you and if you would be sooooo kind to help me with an issue. Thanks!!!

Pittspeed always comes through…help a girl out!! :bigthumb: I’ll can provide more details then.

great thanks anyway.

I’m helping a friend move in to SRU on the 24th, I can get in touch with her for hers, any specifics what you need to know on it?


i used to go to slippery rock

get fucked?

My daughter is moving up there on the 24th. What info do you need? I’ll ask her for ya.

x3 :smiley:

we just got 300 units up there, if you see a hot guy up there this winter with a toolbelt that would be me

I sent you a LONG email…sorry, but thanks


No No No, I do rember thoe the crazy curvy road up there. love mashing the gas arround thoes bends.


everyone luvs the slippery cock