Slippery Rock-ish?

Anyone in here from the Slippery Rock area, as in Butler County? I’d like to know who all was up here so we could hang out or something sometime, since the weather’s getting nice and all :fart:

My GF’s dad lives in Forrestville.

i work up that way M-F

I have a camp at Slippery Rock Campground, right off the SR Exit… I’m up there pretty much every weekend from Mid-June to Mid-September.

We take my buddys girl up there to college every sunday or we pick her up on Friday. but it takes maybe 1hr and 46 min away from where we live so it’s a nice ride fun part is doing almost 80 there and running out of number on his Camaro. if he’s drivning we can get there in about 1hr and 15 min.

me and driftinflyboy up at SRU

yup yup ! i live in kraus hall on campus, so boring unless ur drunk in the photolab lol - go jay ! haha

i will show you my Slippery Rock if you ask nicely.

another neon guy I know lives up that way. He used to have a CRX.

I use to live in Kraus…

Rhodes and Dodds, and the on campus apartments :slight_smile:

fuck yea drinking in the photo lab…

i can’t believe i just happened to be wearing my pittspeed shirt while you were in there. i was happy as hell to finally find someone else from the board up there. that was an interesting night, got all sorts of drunk for our first time hangin out.


i just moved from Butler, back to the New Castle area

i used to go to sru, i lived in bard then over on new castle st.

my aunt has a camp up there too, Kozy Rest campground hehe

Thats a different one. It’s not actually in the town of Slippery Rock, its over a couple of towns… But it is close…

I remember we beat the shit out of Kozy Breast in softball… They had a bunch of old guys get beat by a bunch of kids… Hell, even one of there guys tried telling us that if you catch a pop-up in foul ground, it doesn’t count as an out :doh:

I probly be making the trip up there this friday, to pick up my buddys girl so it’s all good.

ya i know its not in slippery rock, its in (i think) harrisville? :dunno:

You’re guess is as good as mine… It’s somewhere on Route 8 up there somewhere.