homesick rant

Some of you’s know i moved to Pittsburgh for school, and the first few days have been hell, but im tryin not to let this set the mood for the whole two years. I just need to rant a lil… takin from DITB. i figure someone has been through somethin like this, so why not post

um yea so i have had nothing go right at all in the last two days, my schedule fucking sucks, it was M, T, W, F, S leaving me thursday and sunday off which sucks, but i just got that changed so i have thursdays and the weekends off. which is so much better. So that problem was solved.

Next is i found out that there is no transportation from my apartment building to the school on friday and saturday. being that it is about a 20 minute walk each way it kind of sucks, so now i gotta find the bus routes and or a taxi, because parking cost 14 dollars a day in the ramp across the street. ill figure something out, least of my problems right now.

Next is this whole gf at home situation, dont really want to get into details but it sucks and its hard, especially when its like 2-1 girls to guys here… its just another thing in the back of my head right now

Another thing is that a bunch of financial shit came up all screwed up. My dad had to come back down today to take care of four hours of paperwork which should have been takin care off the first three times we visited here in the last four months. lets just say he wasnt too happy today

Last and deffinetly not the least, my roommate. yea. well lets just say he can’t go 6 hours without lighting a fucking bowl in the room. hes been here for 1 day and smoked 3 bowls. Now i have nothing against guys who smoke, but ive smoked 3 times in the last year and i wanted to come here with the intention of starting clean and keepin my head straight… pot and alcohol got me kicked out of medaille, literally, and it was an expensive lesson. Well to top it off, after me and my dad took care of the finances, we came back to the apartment, and if fvckin reeked of pot. My dad was furious, dragged me outside and told me to get a new room. the kid is cool and all and it sucks because we share alot of the same interests, but i cant do this. Get caught once, expelled. both of us, even if im not doing anything. changing a room would be a huge hassel, but i know it would be the thing to do. I dunno i had to vent to someone, being homesick blows, its not that i miss my room or shit its my friends and being abe to know where to go everynight.

sorry for the huge vent/// comments welcome

tell that fuckbag your case and if he doesn’t listen, report him then

or switch rooms - talk it over with him, see what’s up. sorry to hear man.

yeah id try and get another room asap. also, im not sure how close u r to downtown pittsburg, but im sure the city has a lot to offer. jsut go out one day and start exploring the city. find out what it has to offer. i kind of ahd a similar feeling when i started college (even though i go to UB and live at home) all my friends went away and i had no one. just start talking to people and meeting new people, because a lot of people feel the same way you do, and are really just looking for people to hang with. once u start making some friends and have the area kinda figured out, eveyrthing will be ok. its almost the end of break for most people, and ive only hung out with 2 or 3 people that i was freinds with in high school, and am already making plans to hang out with the new people that i have met in college for when they get back. once u start meeting new people, its amazing how much the homesickness goes away. hope that helps.

Where are you going to school down there, Pitt?

And Pitt is actually a really nice city. Give it a chance. :slight_smile:

Art Institute of Pittsburgh, graphic design major.

So i have until saturday afternoon to see if i want a new room, different roommate because theres a spot open, but it will be booked monday if i dont grab it, and im going to go check it out after i wake up. i’ve already talked with the head RA’s about it when my dad was there, and theyre holding a room for me til saturday night so i can make my decision. Im going to talk to my roommate before i make my decision, but i still think i should do it just because i know he wont change heart completely or that fast, so im going to probably switch and leave on the best terms as possible i guess. fvck it, it costs 22k PER year, and i already have my first year paid in full with loans, if i get booted because they randomly decide to check the room, which they could do, im out that much money. The thing is i went infront of all the head RA’s and told them the whole situation and i would probably steer clear of getting in trouble, but the whole fucking room reeks and so do all my clothes already, it blows. Ill keep you’s all updated

I actually have a friend that goes there… errm…I don’t know if he could help you out.

thanks for the responses guys, feels better to talk to others than bottle it up.

yea pittsburgh is a beautiful city, i really like it, its just my first stages of being away i guess. deff a lot to do though, and ive met a few people already :wink: i should be meeting quite a bit more once classes start up on monday.

You’re on a quarter system, correct? You’ll make a bunch of friends quickly. His AIM is mafockingac. If you tell him I sent you he will be so happy…actually he’ll probably first ask if you talk a lot like me…i seem to IM him when he’s working on a webpage of some sort. And if you like house music you’re just all set…haha he dj’s a lot…

I am alumni…

Please tell me you arent in allegheny center… its the worst place to be.

Do youself a favor and find a roomate to split an apartment with on the southside, or mt washington.

dozr will you design me a duckie then.

LOL i actually turned down a partial scholarship to that joint! what a moron i am, eh!? Ya i would get rid of that roomy of yers and get YOUR shit together first, fun is fun but risking college is not cool! I realize ALOT of the students there are probably that kinda wacky but if you need the space like it sounds like you do then grab the bull by the horns and do what ya gotta do! good luck with it! and keep yer eyes on the prize!

roomate sounds like a REAL selfish prick. But the sad part is even if you did talk to him he wouldnt listen and still smoke because he is addicted. Just get the hell away from him and let his ship sink with you far away. just hang in there, you will meet alot of people soon and have lotsa stuff to do.

ya bro he’ll never drop the pot
get a new room

ugh why do i fall for this all the time and believe he wont

i need to bring back my asshole personality :frowning:

Hey. I moved from Buffalo to Pittsburgh. And I go to the Art Institute for Graphic Design…for the past 3 years now…

Your first mistake: moving into Alleghetto Center.
See, I had a cool admissions chick that told my mother and I that choosing to live in the dorms probably wouldn’t be the best idea, THANK GOD. Granted, I’ve lived in 3 apartments and have had 10 roomates and have been broke ever since, but I’m SO glad I didn’t have to go through living in those dorms, with a bunch of idiots, right smack in the heart of a Pittsburgh ghetto. So I say, give it a quarter, that’s 3 months, find some others who want out, and split the cost of an apartment elsewhere. It’s nice that you don’t have to use money out of your pocket for rent at the dorms since it’s included in the financial aid, but finding an apartment elsewhere will be cheaper than the $500 a month that place costs- AND you can pick roomates and not be monitored 24/7 by the asshole RA’s.

However, please use your time at the dorms to your advantage because you’ll be able to meet alot of people. Not living in the dorms, for me, it was difficult meeting/knowing people for my first year here. When school started everyone seemed to know everyone, except me. I felt so out of the loop because I wasn’t able to socialize with anyone outside of school. For a whole freaking year I’d go to school, come home, and basically just sit there alone. Or go to school, and sit there, alone. Talk about being home sick and feeling lonely!

So just tough it out for the next 3 months, dicuss the pros/cons with your parents, and take it from there. And think of the dorms as a social venue and use it to your advantage for meeting people to take away some of the home sickness, because I’m sure there’s plenty of people there that are in the same boat as you. And when the cute little trolley is taking you to/from school, make the driver ring the little bell, DINGDING,it’s a good time. LoL.

As a lazy ass stoner chick myself, I dunno if you’d really want to be hanging out with me, but if ya need anything, even just someone to vent/relate to, IM me at Hamstrnamdpuppy on AIM, and I’ll be glad to lend an ear or answer any questions you may have.


sorry to hear bro. :meh:

i should be making runs to butler PA on tuesdays nights occasionally. perhaps you could make the ~1/2 trip up there and we could grab a bite???

like i said, hang in there and start meeitng people. i can totally relate to Vrooom cuz i go to UB and live at home…and when school started it seemed like every1 knew everyone and i knew no1…so meeting people is deffately a good thing! just walk around your floor and talk to some people, u might be suprised who u will run into.

man…just hang in there, itll be fine after a couple weeks…ps, im scared of shit like this cause come sept im moving to florida to go to school, and i get homesick just thinking about it

It’s very likely that I’m moving to Rochester for school in september. nervous.