You guys remember these? *pic*

we used to call them “pans”

Ha I still ride bmx and man am I glad at how more advanced bikes are now.

95z28 had a gt perfomer with mags and the tires kept blowing up

The 80s and 90s were pre-corporate GT…when they have a little factory in Hunington Beach then Santa Ana…i had an old redline…then a GT Pro Freestyle Tour > Perfromer…my borther has a sweet Dyno Slammer that got stolen a week after he got it…I have a decent Haro before they went corporate too

shit when i was a kid, the dyno comp was like the hottest bike you could have.

I remember, i saved up like 300 bucks of my communion money, and bought a dyno VFR from berts bikes. Thing was emerald green with chrome wheels. Real nice bike.

oh man the VFR…yea no one around sold the really good ones like the Slammer or Profreestyle Tour…they all had to be special ordered…Performers and Comps were alll over the place…me my brother and our friends all had to order our bikes from this place called OK Bicycle shop

Here is a sweet page of old sweet bikes. I had a bunch of these.

STOP ur making me want to ride ride now…my bike is burried in my parents shed…i was looking at that last on on Ebay a minute ago

this my current Frame…but all accessories are differernt

before that…but black

and befroe that

wow, talk about bringing back memories. I remember riding to the park on a redline and thinking I was the shit back in '89

haha i remember

this is like the one i had…almost identicle…white on white on white lol.
soo hott back int he day…

Here’s kinda what mine looked like - I bought the frame for $8 and some black GT 6-spokes for $15. There’s two bike shops here and this is what I spent my money on. I had purple/black VFR graphics, frame standers, 4" pegs and a Diamondback handlebar. That was the shit. :frowning:

Funny how many car guys were bike guys before they were old enough to twist keys.

yea…i spent all my money on my bike like a year before i got my drivers license…i was pissed cause the summer before my Redline RL-20 got stolen from school…then i bought the Pro Freestyle Tour from my brothers friends and i ended up cracking the rear dropout somehow…so then i bought the Haro on sale for like 50 bux on clearence cause it was a previous year model…THATS IT…i am going to pick my bike up and take it apart and regrease it all up

i must be a young one on here i remember most of those bikes but i was late in the dyno phase i had a trek sub vert that i dumped over 800 into back in the day and it got stolen, then someone gave me a dyno zone that is still hanging in my parents house that i ride every now and then when i am at their house, but that bike is a steel frame and heavy as hell. i pulled an old mongose pro out of someones trash over the summer and started to fix it up and try to get back into it, ill probubly finish it in the spring and rock it for the summer. ps. im only 22 so im still kinda young

wheres newman and walker??

now i want to go watch Rad on VHS.

this is the one I ride now to show off for the neighborhood kids that are far
to easy to impress.

That is kinda funny…shit, I still remember back in the day when i was into bikes playing “i call it” when a hott car drove by LOL