You guys remember these? *pic*

I used to watch that movie everytime before I would go ride.

damn… i loved my dyno :(. shit was pimppppppp

heres one for butch and AWDrifter to understand what were talking about. ahh memories.

^ :lol: Oh geez

That made me giggle

I used to ride a Haro Zippo, I think I’ve still got it somewhere…

I was waiting to see how long it was before this got 5 stars :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember being 16 an having my first job, i saved all the money i could to get a “freestlye” bike. I was a little on the poor side so i wound up gettin a diamondback from dicks got the pegs an everything. Got my permit 3 months later an never rode it again, so it sits in my parents garage open for sale if anyone wants it.

i rember the huffys those were the shit

You were first on your block to have a bike?


Jesus christ man, how old are you?

I kid I kid :stuck_out_tongue:

The first to have a Sigma