You know the economy sucks when...

and there were how many clerks?

I assume that the prices for shipping will rise wont it? Less people to handle the packages (no homo) and if the time frame to deliver is the same they will have to work harder (wont happen because they will ask for higher pay) so the quicker shipping times will come at a higher price, and ground bottom of the barrel delivery times wont drop in price, only take a hit in quality and taken longer to get there.

once again, government tries to save the quick money in one chunk, and shoots themselves in the feet for the long run.

USPS is already close to or more expensive than UPS. If they raise their rates it will effectively lessen their throughput of packages, because people will look to UPS or what ever else. And if UPS was smart when USPS jacks their prices, they could drop them a little, make the drop in price public and a big deal, and steal a lot more business.