rain doesnt get into thew garage :slap:
you really are fucking clueless or do you just not pay attention to what I;m talking about.
Tell you what you come up here and wash my truck in 10 min CORRECTLY and I will buy you a fucking sack…
(Hint - its not going to happen)
trucks arent supposed to be washed. They’re supposed to be muddy and dirty.
Cars are supposed to be clean, and I could wash your cavalier in about 10 minutes. And by wash, I mean pummel it with a baseball bat.
ok well since I never mentioned my car being dirty, takes care of that, as for my truck, sorry I don’t treat new fucking vehicle like pieces of shit because thats the “in thing” to do.
Maybe trashing the paint on a $38k truck is somthing you are into, but I’m not since I bought mine for a actual reason…
actually i treated my new vechile like shit because i didnt care and i’m lazy.
your perogotive is not mine.
why the hell did you spend $40K on a truck? :ugh:
Wow guys didn’t mean to stir up such flames lol…I am VERY anal about both of my vehicles, sorry to have ranted on the fact that I can’t stand for them to be dirty and looking like shit…actually brought the Z today despite the forecast for rain b/c I washed the Z and the A6 still looks like shit…hate driving dirty vehicles…but that’s just me…
I was just saying thats what you do, not me.
Point in general was I take care of my shit reguardless of thinking “wwdsd” because it has zero effect on me…
well it looks like it stopped for the next hour or 2 till the next line comes in from cleveland.
yay :rolleyes:
I guess I’ll go pull the saw back out…
haha… i know what you mean!
i’m jsut saying i didn’t know it was cool to not give a fuck, but i’ve been doing it for years!
WWDSD is something you should consider before making any life changing decision.
how would that work? Look at you and say “WWDSD” then look for an alternative route :dunno:
you paid $38k for a truck then cry about the taxes? wow, ur really struggling aren’t ya?
you gotta a black car, you might as well give up the fight on that.
and i didn’t know God was supposed to plan the weather around ur days off? It was nice for how many days now and its freaking april, all of you weather complainers STFU!!!
werd. tell his ass.
here cutty I will keep it simple…
Go fuck yourself.
Now you knwo where I live come do somthing about it…
thats how i know i was right. when you start with the “fucks”
take a deep breath and go outside and enjoy the day
no I’m tired of YOUR FUCKING CITY RESIDENTS not picking up on there end so you have to tax the shit out of us.
GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER then come ask us for help…
Face it a large majority of the city residents don;t pay fucking taxes because they are either on walfare, unemployment, slinging drugs, or livingin a van down by the river…