You know you're comfortable with your sexuality when....

Wasn’t that you next to me singing dancing queen??

When you hang out with brendansi…

You fag.

(It was knowing me, knowing you.)

You won it at… Drive a Miata :slight_smile:

(You can substitute Miata with yellow BMW)


I’ve been in that situation, I took the bed.

But is it ok if you have a full pillow between the two of you on a queen?

We weren’t even going to think of sleeping on the floor in the ghetto of Detroit.

I really don’t “feel”, “think” i’m gay by doing any of the shit mentioned. I know i’m straight and have never doubted that.

So to me someone that tries to justify why they shouldn’t “feel gay” constitutes gay tendencies in my mind.

once again, you know how I know your gay…
FYI I’ll be the first to admit, i’ve slept in the same bed with one of my best friends and never thought twice about it. I’ve hungout with my gay friends and never once thought about how it might appear to anyone else.
I think it’s just about being comfortable with who you are, not about what you are.

I’ve even had gay guys hit on me before, laughed about it and still never justified being straight to myself.

and the words you know how I know your gay come out of my mouth at least 10x a day …

Man pillows in between last for all of about 30 mins if either of you move. then they just get ejected.

My biggest problem was the other guy kept stealing the covers. and I got cold.

Hotel floors are the worst, they are fucking concrete.

Besides we were on either side of the bed, its not like we were :hitit::sario:or cuddling. so :gotme:

This isn’t one of those threads, Virginia.

eviljay and i shared my bed within a few weeks of knowing each other… he passed out in it cause he was hammed and i just crawled right in next to him. we woke up cuddling

once at a certain bar on allen a gay dude was hitting on me. at first i though he was just being nice by buying me drinks, but then when he started touching me and rubbing my arm and shit i realized he wanted to bone me. so i played along and let him buy me a few more drinks before i left

i really enjoyed the show 6 feet under

i drive a car with pink polka dots on the roof

i grab/dry hump dude ass all day at work cause its funny

i say extremely gay shit all day

my best friend has been known to stroke my hair/beard when were drunk

ive kissed a bunch of dudes on the mouth, even a few board members

im sure i can think of more but i wont bore you with the details. oh, and i have been dating a very pretty girl since july and were madly in love.

do i win at the super gay but not really contest?

pics or ban

^^ you know how I know you’re gay? lol

of girlfriend to prove anti-gayness.

nudes or ban of him to test the rest of this forum

i had to sleep with skunk in toronto, now that was weird! :rofl:

watch gay porn with the GF because she said she would do anal.

Or tell all your friends you love them on the phone.

nah son not whoring out my gf on the interwebs

but im sure some board members can vouch :tup:

Jam’s girl is very cute :tup:

And incredibly cool, which is rare for gf’s to be cool in our circle of friends…

And as far as the gay thing…

Well, not only is it a Volkswagen, is a cabriolet volkswagen… I think JJ with his beetle can only outgay this guy right here :wiggle:

Watched Che-Che Guevara’s Hot Shots…Because someone left it in the dvd player my girl bought from BB.

