Your Best interest - Threads you shouldn't Start

  1. Im a new member i’m also a girl

FUCK I got beaten to the punch while reading.

  1. ya, well i know kuz im an engineer…well…at least i pretend to be
  1. pm ammount increased to 1000 to acompany failing classifieds system that is hurting everyones sales and fun.

Wait rubicant beat me too it / FAIL

56:Any thread started by an effeminate username.

  1. hey check out these stores
  2. hey check out these whores
  3. hey check out these doors
  1. what time is it?
  1. Fuck the new FS thread rules
  1. What car to get in the $35k range, because I can get one while I still live with my parents
  1. 2008 Toronto Maple Leafs Official Thread.
  1. Rotfl @ infractions

haha nice

  1. Buffalo is the greatest city in the world to live.

Is that a dozr thread?

In mods only:

  1. ATTN: This board is a joke, we don’t let people advertise, yet we have no banners for paying sponsors, we banned many of our best members, and now fucked up classifieds beyond recognition, best yet we have half the features UBRF did before it went down in flames V.zwarbytjustgotbanned


that a direct quote?


no way, there are no grain mills mentioned.

  1. I’m still laid off and need a job.
  1. Poll: How long until NYSpeed becomes the new UBRF?

This thread doesn’t help the cause…

Edit: I miss UBRF still…

Pretty soon you’ll miss NYSpeed too :frowning:

  1. Why does not work

but i love nyspeed it will never go