Your Best interest - Threads you shouldn't Start

I’m imagining 5 years ago… so, that is when this would have been done:

  1. Awesome! I can heel toe my automatic!

two minutes later:

  1. Can the moderators lock my last post?

four minutes more…

  1. That’s it, I quit this stupid forum! You all suck!

ten minutes later…

  1. I’m back. Miss me?

After all the previous posts are locked a couple of minutes later…

  1. HAHAHA!!!1! I keep posting!

note: not to be taken literally. I would never do this. Just for humor purposes. Do not think any less of me. :slight_smile:

Everyone is going to leave because the section of the forum for buying and selling stuff got closed to discussion? That’s writing on the wall? Drama queen?

  1. Went out for a bag of milk…
  1. I <3 Mandi

did they delete that one ?? i know i bumped it like 2 weeks ago but its gone

  1. What body parts do you shave?

I’m pretty much hairless so I don’t really have to shave.

oh, that wasn’t a question was it

  1. how to drive
  2. how to dive
  3. how to high five
  4. how to jive



  1. Why is my name green?

Yeah, that’d be fucked up. :rofl:

  1. which mod did they drop?
  1. What should my first mods be to my automatic grand am v6 with 180k miles on it?
  2. How hard is it to turbo my power wheels?
  1. Everyone Join the TEAMHAGGARD Forum. LOL.

87: a true story I heard last night…

man that was lame :slight_smile:

LOL!! which redirects to the EASCAMMER forums.

BUMP because this thread still has potential

therussian’s corn dick thread

  1. so i pissed off this trooper/law enforcement agency today
  2. Where the fuck did Karma go?
  1. Im tattooing William Baxter’s face on my ass :roflpicard:
