Your Car needed for UB club expo!

i still say they dont have any real cars in the club. i bet you can get like evolution to donate some rice for ya.

False advertise much? :tdown:

not to mention a lack of standards

why dont you just place your own car in thier, you run the club you must have a nice car, right???

That’s cool, and I’m sure there are other people that are members of both, but posting it here in my opinion is out of line. This is something UBCC members should be doing on their own. He should be making this request on the UBCC board, not here.

I might feel differently if he was a member with history here, but he just signed up and this is the first thing he does.

Trolling here for cars is lame. And like Lafengas said, the clubs lack of standards “Anything goes”? Who wants to be associated with that? Here on NYSpeed, we don’t spell it out, but it’s pretty well understood that anything does not go, and you will get ripped for it if you think that is good. Car enthusiasts don’t do “anything goes”. It’s no wonder he can’t find anyone to display a car.
I don’t think NYSpeed wants to be associated with any club or people that think that “anything goes” is acceptable.

Sounds like UBCC needs to go back to the drawing board.

I think a lot of the club members are on here. I know at the first meeting (actually the only one I attended so far) there was at least 4 or 5 of us there. I’m considering doing this, I just don’t think I can get my car up here in time.

i mostly signed up to hassle them. :smiley:


I’d do it but my car is my daily driver

I wouldnt have my car sitting in the SU… As much fun as it sounds to drive into the SU, i couldnt have that many people findng out what i have in my car they would like to steal…

yes insurance would be a must or I’d have the windows rulled up and compustar on the most sensitive shock setting there is

Oh man, can you imagine your car alarm going off in there? Talk about LOUD.


i’m not trying to cash in from NYSpeed because i’m a new member. and i’m certainly willing to allow NYS to advertise on campus/ at the expo if they want.

About the club
the UBCC currently has 30+ members. the UBCC is student forum for general automotive enthusiasts. you don’t have to have a certain kind of car…or even have a car to be part of the club. activities this year have been very limited due to minimal member participation at meetings, no $ funding (for like t-shirts, food, activities, etc.), and all the officers have been very busy with other things in their lives and the club has suffered because of it. i want to show UB that this club is well and alive and that next year will be 110% better.

For the expo…

i know what kinds of cars my members have. some are better than others. i have a crappy dodge neon that drives just as shitty as it looks (no offense to any neon owners out there). glamour attracts people though. what’s the point in showcasing a car infront of thousands of people if 3/4 of the people drive a car that looks better than the one that is being showcased? all i’m looking for is a car that looks clean (figuratively and literally), something that clearly looks like it was modified by an ethusiast, and has to fit through double-doors. people will not sit in the car nor touch it if you don’t want them to.

that’s perfectly understandable. thank you for your interest. and i’m sorry that the club didn’t do as much as we should’ve done this year. there were many internal failures, including some on my part. next year will be different.

So you are telling me there is not one car in your group worth using?

next year, i’m certainly going to try to get sponsors and/or co-signers to the club. i’m also willing to open up the club to non-UB students if i’m allowed to do that.

right now, however, i have to focus on the task at hand, and that is the expo.

i need 1 car for 1 day for 5-6 hours. if needed, i’ll give my car to the person if they need to get around town.

i’m researching into that right now. i need to keep my options open incase the person is unavailable to lend their car for that day.

Sounds like it…

If I were you, I’d get my group to do something like this based on one of your OWN cars. Not to mention, it’s kind of demeaning to your own members. I mean, I’m just trying to help you here. I graduated from UB last May, I know what it’s like to be a poor student and all, but I mean really, what’s the point of saying, “Hey look at this nice car…No, it’s not part of our group…but maybe one day one of us will get one of our cars like that…” I just don’t see how you’re trying to promote UBCC by showing an NYSpeed car.

i’d certainly rather have a UBCC member’s car (or anyone from UB) over someone who isn’t from either organization, but time for this expo is coming near, and i’ll take whomever comes to me first.